
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dove 3D Box

Create for holiday decorating 
or to give as a unique gift box. 
Dimensional dove is built as "lid" and "base" insert. 
Wings dimension created from multiple layers 
plus accent graduated-offset overlays. 
Tail also has built-up side accents. 
Beak is constructed separately and then attached. 
Measures approx. 5.25" head to tail, 
4" bottom to tail tip, 2.125" across breast. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A center body/head
B right side body
C right side body
D tail     E tail l & r accents
F eye contrast underlays (l & r)
G beak     H base box
I wing l & r layers for build up
J wing bases (includes attachment tab)
K wing accent base build up
L-N 2 accent build up layers, top accent
2. Prepare the left and right side body shapes
by bending back on all tabs and perforation lines.
3. Prepare center body/head shape by bending
back on all perforation lines, except for final two
lines at the wider end, which should be 
bent forward.
4. Prepare the tail shape by bending back
on all tab and other perforation lines. 
5. Glue the left and right eye contrast underlay
shapes behind the eye cutout on corresponding
sections of the left and right body shapes.
6. Begin side panel construction by bending
the side front segment inward, allowing
the angled adjacent straight edge to overlay
the long tab, and glue in place.
Also overlap the lower straight edge over
the corresponding lower front tab, and
glue in place.
7. Begin to join the center body/head panel
to the right side assembly by lining up the segment
that includes the beak tab slot next to the eye segment,
overlapping the tab, adjusting to align the edges,
then glue in place.
Line up and attach the lower segment edge
to the lower side tab.
Continue the sequence by bending to allow
for positioning each
center segment straight edge along
the corresponding side edge tab
until all edges and tabs are attached.
8. Repeat the process of joining side and center
panels for the left side body panel, beginning at
eye edge and slot segment, following step 7.
Reach fingers inside body cavity to align
and apply pressure to the seams.
9. Wrap the back body segment to bring opposite
straight edge to overlap the tab, adjust
and attach in place.
10. Fold the body bottom flanges inward . . .
. . . and glue in place to create a bottom rim.
11. Position and attach the tail accent shapes
offset within the side panels.
12 Bend the tail center section down, bend side
panels down to overlap side edges over 
the center section tabs, and glue in place.
 Then . . . 
. . . bend the center end section into position
with the straight side edges overlapping
center tabs, and glue in place.
13. Bend tail opening tabs inward slightly,
then insert into the end body opening so that
the body straight edges overlap tail tabs.
Reach fingers inside body cavity to apply 
pressure to complete gluing of seams.
14. Prepare the beak shape by bending back
on all angled edges and side tab.
15. Form the beak into a pyramid shape to bring
the straight side edge overlap the opposite tab . . .
. . . and glue in place.
NOTE it will be helpful to insert a flat pointed tool
such as this fingernail file inside the beak
to provide a "press against" surface.
16. Position the beak over the front of body,
insert the lower tab into the body slot,
bend tab downward inside body,
and glue in place.
17. Apply glue along the beak rim 
on the underside, then bend beak into position
to press the beak edges against the body
until glued edges are securely in place.
18. Prepare the left and right wings by layering
and gluing the wing base shapes, one by one, 
taking care to line up edges as precisely as possible.
NOTE: Use a flat weight to help keep glued-up layers
flat and smooth, and to avoid warping and curling.
19. Prepare the bottom wing layers by bending
connection tab outward, then . . . 
. . . position each on the corresponding wing
build up back-to-back, and glue in place.
(Use weights as glue dries.)
20. Prepare the smaller inner wing build up
and accents by layering the whole base shapes
as with the main wing.
Also attach the three top accent layers in order
taking care to line up the cut edges of the
"vein" cutouts. NOTE that outer edges
of these shapes are slightly offset as shown
here with the contrast top accent layered onto
the next lower layer.
21. Position and attach the top accent layered unit
to the top of the upper buildup layers,
taking care to align outer cut edges
as precisely as possible.
22. Position and attach the upper accent wing
unit onto the base wing, with offset margin
around at edges.
23. Apply liberal amount of quick-grab glue
to the area of the wing's underside 
where it will touch body panel, then
position wing on corresponding side of body assembly, 
inserting wing tab into body hole . . .
. . . adjust wing positioning as desired
(NOTE that model has first scallop "valley"
aligned at tail upper edge), then bend tab back
inside body and glue in place.
Hold wing in place and apply pressure until
glue is dried and it is secure.
Repeat for second wing.
24. Prepare base box (insert) by bending back
on all perforation lines and tab lines.
25. Locate the 'F' cut into the tab that
shows which end of the box is the "front".
Bend the front, back and sides up into position,
overlap the straight edges to the tab perforation
lines, and glue in place to form an open-top box.
26. To complete the dove or close the box,
insert the box top ('F' front positioned correctly)
into the body bottom opening
(this is a snug fit), then . . .
. . . slide completely into position where
the base box bottom will be nearly flush
with body rim edges.
Here is the completed dimensional dove box,
as seen from the front . . .
. . . and from the side.

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