
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

LUCKY Letter Box Ensemble Project

Dimensional letter boxes are built and assembled
as closely-fitting LIDs and BASEs, 
composed onto a wrapped foam core platform,
together with the rectangular "stand" platform
that gives a lift to the U, C & K.
2D and 3D embellishments make it extra fun.

All of these paper craft svg designs will be available
for purchase and download from,
SVG Attic, and Silhouette America.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
Each letter box will have a LID shape with boxing 
connected to the "letter" shape, so you should
be able to identify which letter the LID is.
The BASE shape for each letter box is the reverse
of the LID. Add-on boxing strips complete the
side walls of each letter box. These can be identified
by A) looking at how they are arranged as the
cut file opens, B) identifying the helpful symbols
that are cut into end or side tabs that also help
with the assembly positioning, or C) tiny letter
symbols or partial symbols in tabs.
Also shown in this layout are the PLATFORM
rectangular box (LID & BASE), and the "strut"
support strips, which add more structure inside
each box and help the "roof" or "floor" keep from
compressing inward.
2. If planning to use the embellishments, identify
and cut those design component shapes, as well. 
A shamrock sprig cluster (for L)
B shamrock layered with heart button (for C)
C two-part horseshoe (for K)
D rainbow (for lower K)
E leprechaun 3D bowtie (for Y)
F leprechaun 3D hat (for Y)
(Find more information and assembly instruction
for the hat and bowtie HERE.)
3. Here are the components required to build
the L letter box: 
LID main shape with leg strip
BASE main shape with leg strip
4. Bend all boxing wall panels and tabs or flanges
back, except bend the inner leg strip tab forward.
(LID assembly will be demonstrated.)
5. Start at the top to bend the left side wall back,
top end to the right with "top" tab tucked under
the top L straight edge; glue tab in place.
Take care here and throughout that the straight
edge aligns as accurately as possible along the
corresponding perforation line, with ends matched up
as closely as possible.
NOTE that as the various seams throughout
the assembly are joined, it may prove helpful
to position the letter shape so that the seam
being joined in face down on a flat surface to allow
finger pressure to be applied all along the tab
or flange until the seam is completely secure.
6. Bend the inner vertical side wall back so that
the top tab can tuck under the straight edge
of the top panel; glue in place.
7. Identify the 'L' cut symbol in the add-on boxing
strip's short segment tab. The single L indicates
that this strip attaches to the LID.
Join the short end tab to the bottom panel
straight edge.
Here you can see the 'LL' in the add-on boxing
that shows this one should join to the L BASE.
Single letters or symbols are for LIDS.
Double letters or symbols are for BASES.
8. Bend the strip up and tuck tab under the
L end straight edge; glue in place.
9. Bend the final segment into position along
the leg's top straight edge, with flange tucked
under, while at the same time . . .
. . . tuck the end tab under the inner side wall 
straight edge, and glue both seams.
Here is the L LID completed.
Follow the same steps, in mirror image,
to complete the L BASE.
10.  Prepare the four-segment strut support
strip by bending the top and bottom tab flanges
back, bending the vertical perforation lines
in alternating forward, backward order,
as shown.
11. Dry fit the strut into the inside of the BASE
box, testing the arrangement so that the strip
will not push the walls out of shape, but also
so that as much of the L shape will be supported
as possible. Apply glue to the bottom tabs, re-insert
into the space, then apply pressure until strut is
securely attached to the backside of the L BASE wall
12. Prepare to insert the BASE into the LID by
applying adhesive to the top set of strut tabs,
then . . .
. . . insert the BASE into the backside of the LID.
NOTE that this is a snug fit, and may require
flexing or assisting with a blade-style tool.
Before the LID and BASE are completely pushed
together, apply adhesive along the walls, then . . .
. . . push the two completely together,
apply pressure to the top to assist the strut
support to attach to the LID underside,
and also apply pressure so that the walls attach
to each other.
13. Position and attach the L accent letter front,
offset, to the LID face.
NOTE that it may be advisable to attach
the accent letter fronts to the LIDs of L
and other letters before joining LIDS & BASES.
U LETTER BOX (Pot O' Gold)
14. Here are the shapes required:
LID main shape plus inner curve strip
BASE main shape plus inner curve strip
15. Prepare the shapes by bending back on all
perforation lines for side panels and tab flanges.
16. The LID assembly will be demonstrated.
NOTE that the tiny symbol cutouts on the
main shapes and add-on strips will correspond,
as well as showing which LID or BASE shape
they should attach to.
17. Begin with the inner add-on strip, positioning
the center tab at the inner straight edge center
segment, and gluing in place.
18. Continue to bend the strip into position so that
the next segment tab and straight edge align,
and glue in place.
Work along one side, then . . .
. . . work along the opposite side until
the complete inner curve strip is attached.
19. Bend the outside panels back into position,
and bend the top end panel into position,
with the tab inserted under the top straight edge.
Also make sure the inner strip's top tab is
tucked under, then attach edges and tabs.
Repeat for the other side of the U.
20. Work along the lower right "short" outer curve
edge to align and attach the tabs and edge segments.
Then begin to attach the lower left tabs and edges . . .
. . until the final bottom-most panel segment
is fit into place, with the end tab tucked under
the opposite wall straight edge,
and glue both tabs to corresponding wall
or edges.
21. Complete the BASE in the same manner.
22. Prepare a three-section strut as described
for the L long strut.
Bend and fit into the BASE interior as shown,
and attach the bottom tabs to the
BASE wall backside. 
23. Insert the BASE into the LID, attaching
strut top tabs and walls as described for L.
24. Since the U is a Pot O' Gold, the accent
front shape is prepared a bit differently.
The see-thru pot is prepared by cutting 
designated shapes from clear acrylic or vinyl.
The front letter accent is layered with the
front (hole punched) clear shape and
attached using "double-sided permanent tape"
(Kool Tak 1/8" was used for this project)
or equivalent, effective adhesive for the clear media.
If using decorative mini brad accents,
insert into holes at this point.
(Stud bumps can be applied now or later.)
25. On the backside, the clear full U shape
is attached with edges lined up with box.
26. Here are the shapes used for the C:
LID main shape plus inner curve strip
BASE main shape plus inner curve strip
27. Prepare the shapes by bending back on all
wall segment perforations and tabs.
28. Position and attach the center inside curve
strip in a similar manner to the U box. 
Continue around each side of the curve
to position, align and attach tabs to corresponding
straight edge segments.
29. Bend the end panel down, with strip tab
tucked under and attach.
Repeat for opposite end.
30. Position and attach the outer curve
segments and tabs, both upper and lower.
31. Position the final end panel, with end tab
tucked under the straight end edge,
and attach both tabs.
Repeat for opposite end panel and tabs.
Here is the completed C LID.
Repeat the assembly for the mirror image C BASE.
32. Prepare, position and attach the
three-part strut support, then . . .
. . . fit the BASE into the LID.
33. Position and attach the C accent shape.
34. Here are the shapes required:
LID main shape with upper & lower strips
BASE main shape with upper & lower strips.
35. Prepare all shapes by bending back on
all panel and tab perforation lines.
Some of the lines will be bent forward as
the assembly progresses, to correspond
to the K shape.
36. Bend the top end panel back, side panel back
with end tab tucked under top straight edge,
and glue in place.
37. Attach symbol-matched end tab of lower add-on
strip to the bottom end panel, as shown.
38. Bend the end panel into position and attach tab.
Continue to bend the remaining strip panels to correspond
to the K edge shape, aligning and attaching each segment
in order.
39. At the bottom, bend the lower angle side panel back
into position, with the end panel bent into position,
with two tabs tucked under corresponding straight edges,
and attach in place.
40. Attach the upper strip to the upper extension
end. Then . . .
. . . bend panels into position and attach
tabs under corresponding straight edges,
until strip extension is nearly in place. . .
. . . swinging the final segment into position
with side and upper tabs tucked under edges
to attach in place.
41. Position a three-part strut in the tall portion,
and a two-part strut around the angle opposite,
and attach in place.
42. Fit the LID and BASE together and glue.
43. Position and attach the K accent letter.
NOTE that the two-part lucky horseshoe
shape should be prepared first,
attached with decorative mini brad at the
hole near tall arm before attaching accent.
Horseshoe can be positioned and glued
into desired position after the letters
are assembled onto the stand.
44. Here are the shapes required:
LID main plus upper two-part, lower three-part strips
BASE main plus upper two-part, lower three-part strips
45. Prepare all shapes by bending back on all
panels and tabs.
NOTE that the 'V' (partial 'Y') symbol is
cut into the two-part strip tabs to identify
which is part of LID (single) and which part of BASE.
Find corresponding V symbols cut into
LID and BASE top outer end tabs.
46. Begin by positioning the center top
angle strip, aligning and attaching in place.
47. Bend the top end panel into position
and attach tab.
Repeat for opposite arm.
48. Bend outer angle wall into position and
attach to top end tab. Repeat for opposite arm.
49. Position and attach the appropriate end
tab of the bottom strip under the side angle wall edge.
50. Bend, position and attach side and bottom
sections of strip, then position final panel,
tucking the end tab under the side wall
straight edge as the final tab is being attached.
51. Position and attach 2 two-part struts
as shown.
52. Position and attach the Y accent shape.
NOTE: if using the Celtic twist accent
shape on top of the Y accent,
attach it first, along with the punch dot accents.
53. Here are the shapes required:
LID main shape, BASE main shape,
four-section strut support.
NOTE that the BASE has semi-circle edge notches.
ALSO USED: front panel, with
word cut accents (either "St. Patrick's Day", or
"Irish" with tiny shamrocks)

54. Bend top, bottom panels back, ends
back, with tabs tucked under and glued
in place. Complete both ends.
The same assembly is used for BASE.
55. Position and attach the front panel.
NOTE that accent letter cuts, shamrocks
should FIRST be attached to front panel.
56. Prepare a base panel to assemble and attach
the letter boxes to.
Cut a rectangle of foam core (board) 3" x 12 7/8".
Wrap and attach a decorative finish such as this
burlap paper (JoAnn Fabrics), corrugated cardboard,
or other heavy media, including end wraps.
Trim excess for a neatly finished base.
56. Position and attach (use hot glue or other quick-grab)
L box on the left end, centered front-to-back,
and Y on the right edge, centered the same way.
NOTE that the outer edges of the box bottom
edges are flush with the ends of the prepared base.
Center and attach the PLATFORM box
spaced equally between.
Position the three middle letters, equally
spaced, between the L and Y (take care
that K and Y don't touch), then apply glue
and reposition one at a time to preserve
arranged spacing.
Position and attach the embellishment elements:
assembled shamrock sprig onto the L
shamrock heart button over the C
rainbow onto K with bottom & side edge flush
bowtie and hat onto the Y
Here is another view of the project completed.
Fill the 'U' compartment with something
resembling gold - here I used large metallic
flat round 20 mm sequin discs purchased
from Hobby Lobby.