
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mail 3D Truck Assembly Guide

Make a "special delivery" for any occasion 
with this replica dimensional U.S. mail truck. 
Details include accent overlays that include 
window openings and rims, bumpers & lights, 
"speedy heart" logo for sides and back, 
built-up wheels and hubs, front grille. 
Back panel includes an upward-sliding panel 
door that reveals interior "box" space large enough 
to hold a gift card or other small goodies. 

Pair with the "Special Delivery Tag" that can 
attach to optional roof accent & punch hole stem. 
Measures approx. 4.75" long x 4" tall x 3" wide. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main truck body  B & C truck body sides
D undercarriage (chassis)  E bottom cover
F build up strips for back slider door
G back slider door with decorations
H & I side accent panels with wheels assembly, decor
J back panel accent with bumper, lights
K roof accent shape  L visor accent with window rim
M hood accent   N front accent with grille, lights bumper
O opt. roof tag tie-on tab   P opt. "special delivery" tag
2. Prepare the main body shape by bending all tabs back,
bending on cross perforation lines as shown.
TAKE CARE at the perforation line fold between
the back door panel and the top slider door slot . . . 
. . . since the space between the slot 
and perforation line is very narrow 
(use a straight edge tool to assist if necessary).
3. Prepare the undercarriage shape by bending
all tabs back, bending cross perforation lines as
shown here, and in illustration that follows.

4. While the body shape is still flat, add
the accent panels and assemblies to it.
If using liquid adhesive, use weights to help
keep it flat to avoid warping and curling.
BACK: attach bumper with circle lights,
oval lights in side margins near top of opening
VISOR: (ID with tiny arrow triangle) rectangle
panel with window rim
HOOD: trapezoid centered side to side,
narrow end toward front
FRONT END: accent shape with bumper
(other shapes added later)
5. If using optional Roof with tag tab,
prepare the tab by bending as shown,
back at center perf, end tabs up.
Glue the center portions (with punch hole)
6. Insert the punch hold end through the
optional roof accent shape slot,
push through, then glue tabs to the
underside of the accent panel.
7. Position the roof shape over the roof portion
of the body assembly, taking care to line up
the slot openings as precisely as possible.
NOTE that when the back panel is bent back,
the roof overhang SHOULD NOT bend,
but remain as an extension and reinforcement
for the roof slot.
8. Layer the grill with the contrast underlay,
layer lights larger and smaller circles.
Position and attach these in their
corresponding recesses on the front
body assembly, front accent panel.
9. Prepare the side accent panels by
positioning and attaching the window rims
where the positioning cuts indicate.
Also layer the "speedy heart" logo with
tiny heart where the cut guide marks indicate,
then attach behind window array as shown.
Position and attach stripes with bottom edge
of upper stripe at the guide mark cuts.
10. Prepare the back panel by layering
the two panels for strength, taking care
to line up all outer edges as precisely
as possible. Assemble the speedy heart
logo, then attach it in the cutout recess.
Position and attach stripes.
11. Prepare the slider door "mechanism" by
layering and attaching the upper "blocks"
and side "beams", and bottom "beam" multiple
cut shapes, taking care that edges align precisely.
12. Position and attach the top blocks
on the top backside of the back panel
with upper edges aligned next to panel perf line,
and side edges aligned next to their
respective side perf lines.
Check to make sure they do not interfere
with the bending into position of the adjacent
side flange tabs or roof panel by bending those.
13. Position the side beams with top end 
overlapping and aligning with the corresponding edges 
of the top blocks, and attach only the surface of
block and beam that touch. 
(Most of beam remains unattached.)
14. PREVIEW where the lower beam will be
placed eventually (it will be hidden by structure),
which is along the lower edge of back panel,
with ends between the side beams
and panel backside surface.
(DO NOT attach at this time.)
15. Position right side panel with roof-line 
straight edge overlapping to roof flange tab perf line, 
adjust front to back and attach in place.
16. Bend body to bring the next portion in line
with the visor edge of side panel, straight edge
overlapping to tab perf line, and join.
NOTE that it may help with joining these seams
 to flip the assembly face down on flat surface
to allow finger pressure to be applied along
the tabs.
17. Continue the seaming process to bend
the hood edge to align with hood portion tab
and join, then final edge with body front panel.
18. Repeat the process to bend, position and
join the back panel seam.
19. Repeat the process from steps 15-18 to attach
the left side panel to the main assembly.
20. Position the chassis front flange tab under
the front body edge, adjust and attach.
21. Bend the chassis tab perf edges into place,
one by one, so that body lower segment straight
edges align at corresponding perf lines,
and glue in place. STOP BEFORE . . . 
. . . the final two edges are attached
(to allow slider door assembly).
22. Slide the back door into position
behind the body back panel . . .
. . . with lower edge tabs between the side beams
and back panel.
Slide door completely up into position where
the top finger flange and corners extend
through the roof slot.
23. Apply glue to the "backside" of 
the lower beam . . .
. . . then insert beam into position between the
side beam and the back panel.
Align the lower beam bottom edge along the
back panel lower edge . . .
. . . centered from side to side,
and attach in place.
24. Apply dab of glue to the underside end only
of side beam, and attach it to the end of the
lower beam. This will effectively lock the door
into place.
25. Complete the remaining side-to-chassis seams,
while at the same time attaching the back edge
to the build-up edges of the lower beam.
26. These next frames demonstrate the
function of the back door.
Here it is extended to nearly fully open.
Here it is being slid into its closed position.
Here it is fully closed, with lower edge
tucked behind the body back panel,
but resting on top of the lower beam.
If the bottom gets caught on the opening edge,
push inward slightly to free it and allow
to close fully.
27. Position and attach the side accent panels,
slightly offset in from upper and side edges.
(Dry tape- or roller dot-style adhesives recommended.)
28. Assemble the build-up layers of the wheels,
hubs, and stems by gluing together, taking care
to align edges carefully. Use weights to help
keep components flat and un-warped.
29. Assemble each of 4 wheels by first
attaching stems to "backsides", then . . .
. . . attaching hubs to "fronts", taking care that
punch holes align exactly.
30. Use a regular size accent brad pushed
through the axle punch hole, then threaded
through the chassis holes. On the inside of
truck, reaching through the bottom opening,
bend the brad prongs back to hold it in place.
Attach four wheels.
31. Position and glue all edges of the bottom 
opening cover in place, inserting the side end tabs
 into corresponding slots.
The mail 3d truck is completed.
Slide the back panel door up to insert a gift card,
or other goodies.
If desired, prepare the "Special Delivery" tag
then attach to the roof tab with decorative twine.
Here is the completed project with tag.


  1. This is adorable... is this a Silouette cut file? I would like to purchase it if it is.

  2. I believe it has been accepted into the store. Otherwise, you can go to or our sister site SVGAttic, purchase and download the cut file, if you know how to import svgs into your system.
