
Monday, April 10, 2017

Carrot 3D Bowl

Large tray-style container shaped 
like a slightly angular carrot with sturdy 
two-layer rim construction, 
layered (for thickness) greenery stalk, 
side accent panels. 

It easily holds an 11 oz. package
of candy.
Measures approx. 5.5" wide x 11.5" long x 1.25" deep. 

ASSEMBLY:  1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A bowl base (with slots for fitting inner wall)
B outer wall/under rim with accents
C outer wall top add-on strip with accents
D support triangular post
E inner wall/top rim
F & G inner wall add-on strips
H inner bowl liner    I bottom cover
J top stalk build up shapes (4)
K under stalk build up shapes (4)
2. Prepare the outer wall shape by bending
back on all panel, segment and tab perforation
3. Position and attach the corresponding
accent panel shapes on the face of the outer wall
shape, offset approx. 1.25" within the perforation
lines that define each segment of the boxing walls.
NOTE that the long accent shapes that will
cover the interior access square holes
are left off until near the end of assembly.
5. Begin to assemble the boxing walls by
bending the first upper "seam" edges together
to bring the straight side edge to overlap 
the adjacent tab perforation line and glue in place.
6. Moving toward the bottom tip, bend and fit
the boxing extensions (one at a time)
under the rim edges, tabs tucked under, 
adjust so that the rim's straight edge aligns 
at wall tab perforation line, and attach.
7. Repeat the upper seam assembly and the
lower two-part wall extension assembly for
the opposite outer wall side in the same manner
(steps 5 & 6).
8. Position the final (bottom) segment to join,
also position the end tab under the opposite
wall straight edge, and complete the two-part
seam in one step.
9. Prepare the carrot top wall portion by bending
back on all cross perforations which separate
the 6 segments, except bend the end segments
forward. Also bend back the end tabs.
10. At the top of the assembly, position the straight
edge of the add-on over the corresponding
tab (symbols within each will match), and join.
11. Bend the first segment into position to align
the add-on tab perforation under the corresponding
straight edge of the rim, and join in place.
12. Continue around the add-on strip to position
and join the next four segments.
13. Position and join the final segment,
while at the same time joining the final wall
edge to adjoining tab.
14. Position the outer wall unit over the main base
with bottom flange tabs fitting around the base . . .
. . . with the facets of the main base shape
fit closely within the angles of the boxing strips.
(NOTE: the image below shows the bowl top down.)
Apply adhesive to join the flange tabs to the bottom
face of the base shape.
One way to do this is to invert the bowl as shown,
push the base downward to rest inside the rim
to access the edge.
Invert the assembly top up again, and apply pressure
around the edges to make sure each flange tab
attaches securely.
Make sure that the edges of the base are pushed
fully into the tab-wall angle before attachment
is finalized. This may involve pushing the walls inward
toward the center, particularly at the stalk extension
near the top.
15. Prepare the support post shape by bending
back on the cross perforation lines,
bending the side tab back, and top tabs forward.
16. Form the strip into a triangular tube to bring
the straight side edge to overlap the tab
to perforation line, and join.
17. With top and bottom tabs bent perpendicular,
apply adhesive to the tabs, then slide post
into position between the rim (upper) and
base shape. Push in until the front tabs cut edge
is back from the rim front edge. Then . . . 
. . . apply pressure to join the edges securely.
NOTE that the "brad" punch hole will open
into the triangular space at the center of post.
18. Prepare the inner wall section by bending
the attached top wall back, tabs forward.
19. To help attach the appropriate inner side wall,
identify the tab symbol (left = square; right = circle).
. . . which corresponds to the top end tab
that will be attached.
20. Position the square symbol tab of the left
wall under the attached wall straight side edge
and attach in place.
21. Bend the wall strip into position to align
the tab perforation line along the corresponding
rim inner straight edge, and attach.
22. Continue the same process to bend
into position each successive wall segment,
align and attach, until the entire strip is in place.
23. Repeat the process for the right strip,
first positioning the circle end tab behind
the attached wall segment to attach in place . . .
. . . then working to position and attach each
wall segment, until finally . . . 
. . . only the final segment remains unattached.
Apply adhesive to the remaining top tab
and to the side tab, then position into place
in one step . . . 
. . . and join.
24. Position the inner rim assembly over the base
assembly with inner walls inside . . .
. . . while inserting the tabs into the corresponding
slots in the base panel.
Work carefully around the bowl to ease each tab
into its slot, using a thin tool such as this spatula
to assist the insertion as needed.
NOTE that the bottom tab does NOT have a slot,
but should be bent inward and attached
to the base panel.
Begin to push the inner wall rim to rest on top
of the outer wall rim, applying adhesive between
the two rims before they are completely together.
Apply pressure from the backside to ensure that
the two components are fully together . . . 
. . . pulling each tab through to make sure
they are fully extended.
25. Apply glue to the inside face of each, then
press in place to join tabs securely to base panel
underside. NOTE: Once initial tab joining is
completed, turn the bowl compartment-side up
and apply finger pressure around the edges to
further secure the tabs in place.
26. Position and attach the final side wall
accent shapes.
27. Position and attach the interior liner
inside the bowl compartment.
28. Position and attach the bottom cover
onto the bottom of the bowl to conceal
the wall tabs construction.
29. Prepare the stalk shape build up (for strength)
by layering the 4 shapes, one by one, and
gluing together. Take care to align all cut edges
as precisely as possible.
NOTE it will be helpful to use a flat weight to
assist the shape to remain flat and avoid
warping or curling while liquid adhesive dries
30. Repeat the layering and gluing up
process for the lower stalk shape.
31. Layer the upper stalk over the lower stalk unit
with punch holes and bottom straight edges
aligned, and glue together.
(Use weight to assist this joining as well.)
32. Position the stalk shape over the bowl upper
extension with punch holes aligned,
and glue in place using a quick-grab glue
such as Fabri-Tack or hot glue or equivalent.
33. Position and glue a decorative brad in place
at the stalk punch hole.
Add other embellishment as desired,
such as the jute twine shown.

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