
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunflower 3D Cake Stand

Sturdy stand has hex tube post 
(reinforced with 3/4" wood dowel piece cut to size),
contour and base platform, scallop and round reinforcements 
that attach to the 10-sided platform underside, 
with  attached "eyelet" decorative platform skirt. 

Embellish the platform with layered sunflower, 
including base, ten-sided frame, petals, "star" and centers. 
Measures approx. 4.75" tall x 6.75" wide x 7.125" deep. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main platform with attached lacy flanges
B platform angled underside build up (4)
C platform scalloped underside build up (4)
D post    E contour shapes (6)
F base with attached cross arm
G base hexagon ring build up (6)
NOT SHOWN: base hexagon whole circle cover
(see step 25)
H platform accent base
I accent ring     J petals
K "star"     L & M center circles
2. Prepare the main platform shape by bending
lacy flanges back, wedge tabs between back.
3. Prepare the underside angled build up by
layering and attaching each of 4 shapes,
taking care to make sure that all cut edges
match up as precisely as possible.
Take extra care that the middle hexagon
edges are aligned to ensure that the post
will fit through it as designed.
4. Prepare the scallop build up in the same manner,
taking particular care to match up the hex opening.
5. Position and attach the angled build up unit
to the underside of the main platform shape,
taking care that the hexagon opening edges
of each line up precisely.
6. Position and attach the scallop build up
in the same manner, taking care at
the hexagon opening edges to align precisely.
7. Join each of the ten side seams of the platform,
bending adjacent flanges to overlap the straight
side edge over the corresponding wedge tab
to the perforation.
8. Prepare the hexagon rings build up  by
layering and attaching each of the 6 shapes,
 taking particular card that 
the hexagon opening edges align precisely.
9. Prepare the base shape by bending back
all side panels and tabs, side tabs, and center
opening wedge tabs.
10. Position the hexagon rings build up unit
on the backside of the base's arm extension
with the hex opening and part of the ring curved
edges lined up, and attach in place.
Take care to align hex opening edges 
carefully. One way to assist this is to
insert finger into hex opening along each
facet to make sure visually and by feel
that edges align.
11. Prepare the base shape by joining
side seams in similar manner to main platform
shape (step 7).
12. Bend back the rim flanges and glue in place,
including . . . 
. . . the short tabs on each side of the arm extension.
13. Bend the arm extension across the platform
bottom, bend the end flange tab back to tuck it
behind the opposite side so that side edges
align between the guide cut marks 
on the rim flange, and glue in place.
14. Prepare the contour shapes by bending
forward at two top horizontal perforation lines,
bending back side tabs and bottom long 
perforation line, forward at bottom tabs.
15. Attach the first two contour shapes
by aligning the "top" segment edge (right shape)
over the "top" segment tab (left shape) to
perforation line, and joining.
16. Continue down the first seam to bend
the two shapes to align the next segment's
straight edge over the corresponding tab
to perforation line, and joining. Finally . . . 
. . . bending inward to align and join
the bottom segment.
17. Add the next contour shape and
join the three segments of the seam
in the same manner.
Continue to add and join the remaining
three shapes until all are joined into
one unit. Then complete the "tube"
by joining the final seam.
18. Position the contour unit over the base
and insert each of the tabs 
into corresponding slots.
On the backside, bend the tabs outward
and glue in place to the backside of platform.
19. Prepare the post "wrap" shape by carefully 
bending back on each of the vertical long perf lines,
also bending the end tabs back.
20. Form the post into a tube to overlap the straight
side edge over the opposite tab to perf line
to join the seam.
NOTE that wrapping the post shape over
a 3/4" wooden dowel will assist this process.
Apply pressure across the seam to ensure
that it attaches properly and completely.
21. Prepare to cut a dowel length to size
to support the post by aligning the non-cut end
even with the "top" of the post, with post tabs
bend back out of the way . . .
. . . then marking the opposite end length
onto the dowel as the "cut line", again with
end tabs bent back out of the way.
Remove the dowel length and cut to size.
22. Prepare to insert the post into the contour
and base unit . . . 
. . . by bending the end tabs inward . . . 
. . . then insert into the contour top opening . . . 
. . . through to exit at the base bottom,
and then through the arm extension hex opening.
(NOTE that this process may require some
finesse, patience and slight twisting adjustments
of the post to navigate through all openings.)
23. At the bottom, bend the tabs back
and glue in place to the extension arm surface.
24. Prepare to glue the dowel post bottom end
in place inside the post tube by first
pushing the dowel upward slightly,
then applying appropriate adhesive to
the inside surface at bottom of tube . . . 
. . . then returning the dowel to proper positioning.
Immediately place the base assembly bottom side 
on a flat surface and apply downward pressure to
ensure that the dowel is in proper position
while the adhesive cures.
25. Position and attach the bottom (whole) circle
cover in place, aligning outer curved edges
that align.
26. To further attach base to post, apply glue
to the underside of each of the "arm" flanges
of the contour shape, and attach in place
to post faces.
27. Insert the top end of the post through
the platform hexagon opening, bottom to top . . .
. . . and on the top of platform, bend post tabs
back and attach in place.
NOTE: during this process, place the stand
on flat surface to view the level-ness of the platform
and make adjustments, prop the platform as
needed, to ensure that the platform
is PERPENDICULAR to the post.
28. Prepare the sunflower decoration by
centering the "star" shape on the petals shape,
adjusting to make sure that each star point
falls at the "valley" between petals, and attaching.
29. Layer and attach the inner and outer center circles,
then position and attach in the center of the star.
30. Position and attach the ten-sided rim onto
the decoration base.
31. Position the flower unit in the center of
the rim/base circle unit, adjust so that each
petal point falls in line with an angle point,
then attach in place.
32. Position and attach to the platform top,
centered to be slightly offset 
in from the edges.
Cake stand is complete,
ready to hold and display light-weight treats
or paper projects.
(NOTE that any objects of weight may
require balancing across the platform,
since the post attachment may not be
strong enough to stay level with much weight
on one side.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is lovely!!! It looks like a hand-turned wooden table. So decorative!
