Origami-style snake is
assembled with minimal gluing after completing moderately-complex folding on
cut line perforations.
Employ two hands to compress the center accordion pleats
then release suddenly to make the snake “jump” forward.
“Head” panel has eye
hole cut outs which are lined
with a contrast shape that shows thru from
Tiny “tongue” strip can be inserted through
short slit
under head extension and glued in place.
Cut the snake body from print paper
(not to exceed 65 lbs.), including single-side print.
See how the compressing and releasing can
make the snake jump by activating this video:
(recommended to mute the sound)
NOTE: for best results, keep the thumbs in place
as you release the compressed snake so that it
has something to push forward against.
Snake measures approx. 7.375” long (not including
x 1.125” wide x .625” deep “at rest”.
ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main body with multiple perforation fold lines
B "head" area underlay/liner to show thru as eyes
C tongue strip (if using single sided paper,
cut 2 and glue together back to back)
2. Follow this folding diagramBLACK LINES = mountain folds
RED LINES = valley folds
3. Begin by folding as "mountain" folds along the two
most-inward long body perf lines.
4. Next, fold as "mountain" folds the two long lines
next to those folded in Step 3.
NOTE that the paper is face down in this image
for better visibility.
5. At head end, fold the triangle tip as "valley" fold,
and the next parallel line also as "valley" fold.
6. Work downward, the next cross-body perforation
line is divided with the un-folded "head" portion between
For this line, fold as "mountain" fold on one side,
skip past the head (NOT folded) and fold the second
half of the line as "mountain" fold.
7. Continue working downward to fold the next
cross-body line which defines the bottom of the head
area and is folded completely across.
8. Continue in the sequence to fold the remaining
cross-body lines as "mountain" folds all the way
to the bottom.
9. At the tail end (shown pointing upward in image),
fold the diagonal 'X' lines as "valley" folds,
taking care that the creases DO NOT extend
beyond the corners where the 'X' perforations end.
(Follow this caution throughout!)
10. Continue to move along the center of body to
bend the 'X' perforation diagonal lines as in
Step 9.
NOTE that to fold and crease the 'X' lines, it may
be helpful to view the shape from the backside,
as is shown in this image at the above-head 'X'.
11. Returning to the body-length fold lines,
fold on the second line outward from body center
so that the side cut edge will align at body center.
12. Next, fold on the next-to-center long line that
was previously folded in Step 4 while simultaneously
folding the line that is directly under that line
as "valley" fold.
13. Repeat Step 12 on the second side of body.
14. At the tail end, fold the short line at center
that ends at the center of the tail 'X' as
a "valley" fold.
15. Returning to the head end, re-fold the 'X'
lines as "mountain" folds, and simultaneously
encourage the short intersecting "valley" fold lines
to push inward (slightly only at this stage).
16. Reverse the work and identify the "head" area.
Apply glue around eye circle openings on body,
and along edge of face of contrast liner shape
(avoid adding glue that will show through holes).
Position, centered in the fold-defined area
(tiny offset within the fold lines), and attach in place.
Allow to dry.
17. If desired, consider ink distressing the creases
to reduce the visibility of contrast "core" of paper
where perf lines and fold may cause contrast to
show undesirably.
18. Begin the final assembly steps by assisting
the 'X' folds above head to fold with intersecting
lines pushing inward as described in Step 15.
At the same time, bend the body side wall into its
position perpendicular to head edge.
Continue to complete the folding inward on second side,
then assist the nose tip to configure as shown here,
with the "valley" cross fold tucking up under head.
19. Apply dabs of glue where arrows indicate in
Step 18 image, then re-position the under-head
connected triangles into place so that nose tip folds
are aligned as closely as possible.
NOTE that the triangle tip that attaches to the body
walls should fall at or very near to the body fold
edges. Adjust to help it NOT extend beyond folds,
but if necessary, trim any overhang away.
20. Form the "spring-action" folds by pushing
side walls at 'X' configuration inward as shown . . .
. . . re-creasing along the folds as necessary
to allow compression folds to close up completely
between the head and body segments, as well as . . .
. . . between remaining body segments.
Body segments with "spring" 'X' folds should
appear like those in this image.
21. At the tail end, push the 'X' folds in toward center . . .
. . . so that the inward surfaces meet up.
22. Apply glue between outer layers and also . . .
. . . between the two middle layers BUT only
end-ward from the 'X' diagonal bend visible
inside the tail compartment. Then . . .
. . . apply pressure to all the tail layers to attach
fully to each other. NOTE that the triangles within
the tail area remains unattached.
23. To attach the tail, use a blade tool such as
this spatula tip to ensure that the tongue slit
under head area is open. Then . . .
. . . apply glue to the blunt end of tongue (both sides)
and insert it through the slit. Push it inward so that
at least an 1/8" is inside . . .
. . . adjust it to be straight, then press between fingertips
to secure in place.
Here is the completed snake jump action toy.
Review the video clip to see how compression
areas are pushed together and held before
releasing to make it "jump".