
Friday, January 23, 2015

Love Stories 3d Book Box

If you're looking for a memorable way
to give your Valentine a gift card this February 14th,
this paper craft design 3d book box
will make it unforgettable.
Assemble outer and inner covers (complete with spine detail),
assemble the front and back inner boxes,
prepare the card insert (includes single and double inserts),
put together and attach detailed front cover accent layers,
close it up with the latch and nib,
and your "story" is nearly complete!
(After the giving, the box doubles as decor!)
Box measures approx. 8” x 5” x 1.25 when closed.
1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A book outer cover with contrast spine strips
B book inside cover with inner spine strips
C front inner box (short left side) with end
D back inner box with end
E cover base panel with decor shapes
F tab strap (to shapes to layer)
G latch nibs (2)
H gift card (single) holder

2. Study the assembly process of the original 3d book box at this TUTORIAL, steps 2-11, then return to this post to get the information about how this larger project is assembled.

NOTE that the outer and inner cover assembly with spine strips can be assembled, but the decorative front panel is prepared and attached before the inner boxes are positioned, for this project.

3. Prepare the latch nib by gluing the upper, rounded tabs of the two nibs together back to back, with lower tabs left unattached. Bend the lower tabs outward.

4. Attach nib to front decorative panel by inserting into the small slot at the right upper panel edge from the backside. Glue lower tabs in place on the backside of the panel.

5. Position (centered) the decorative panel onto the base panel front and glue in place.

6. Glue the decorative panel rim and scrolls shape in place at the edge of the panel.

7. Glue the two latch strap shapes together, smaller on top of larger, with edges offset.

8. Prepare to position the base shape for the "Love Stories/heart" shape decorations on the panel front by placing latch strap slot over the nib. This will show you where the "e" and the heart loop should be positioned in relation to the strap tip.

Glue the Love Stories shape in place.

9. Glue the decorative words or hearts shapes over the base shape in order: 1) heart; 2) Stories with separate jot shape for 'i'; 3) Love.

10. Position and glue in place the tiny hearts onto the decorative panel in their cut out positions.

NOTE that the two corner hearts on the base panel will be positioned and glued in place AFTER the panel is attached to the book's front cover.

11. Position and glue the inner front and back boxes as described in the original 3d book box tutorial. NOTE that these inner boxes as slightly larger than those in the original design, so that the small triangle notches at the outer side edges that help identify the front and back of the inside covers will be covered when the boxes are glued in place. Aim at getting center notches and boxes aligned, then adjust to get an even margin of inner cover exposed beyond box edges.

12. Prepare the card insert and place inside the back inner box.

13. Close the book box. Prepare to attach the latch strap by first positioning the slot over the nib, wrapping the strap's folded-back perforations around the right side edge . . .

. . . then glue the back portion/tab onto the book's back cover. Hold until it is secure.

NOTE: To assist the latch strap to remain securely closed over the nib when the gift card box is being delivered, use some tacky glue strips to the underside of the latch strap tip around the slot. This adhesive should be "temporary" so that the latch can be undone to open the box, but strong enough to help the tip stay in place as long as desirable. 

14. The box is closed by sliding the back inner box inside the front inner box edges.

Here is the finished, closed book box.


  1. Hi there.. what is a NIB and where would I purchase one!!.. you can't really see it well in the photos. :) thanks

    1. That little word "nib" refers to the small semi-circular tab that the lock latch slot fits over to help "close" the book. There are two shapes in the cut file that create the "nib" so no need to purchase anything extra. Just cut the shapes and construct the book following the tutorial steps.

  2. I am trying to cut this out on my cameo, but "Love Stories" (background) and "Stories" (top piece) are greyed out, except for the dot on the "i". I can't get them to cut out. HELP!

  3. Since we have to assume this is a download issue on your specific setup, we recommend that you try downloading this design file again and checking it for problems. If you are still having problems, please contact me directly at hearthsewnpatterns(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  4. Hi. I just cut out and glued the inner boxes but both are missing an end and they are not completely closed boxes.

    1. Jessica, the cut file includes end pieces that need to be connected. If you don't have them in the cut file, I can get you a corrected cut file, if you send me a personal email to hearthsewnpatterns(at)yahoo(dot)com Please tell me where you purchased the download: Silhouette America, SVG Attic,

  5. Can this be made bigger? I would like to fit a blu-ray (approx. 5.5x7")
