Friday, May 31, 2024

Barn and Landscape 5X5 Card

Strata of landscape layer upward on slightly offset 
card front with partial sun cut out shape inserted 
into cutout of sky layer. Center and attach assembled design 
onto folded card front, then assemble barn and 
attach to landscape front. 
Barn silhouette is used as base to build 
gambrel section base, upper front, roof line, pigeon hole. 
Windows show through from contrast underlay. 
Top-fold card measures approx. 5”x5” 
when fully assembled and folded. 
Coordinated envelope also available 
“Env Moonscape Flap” as a separate design. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A card base
B-F  landscape strata
G sun inset
H barn "windows" show-thru contrast 
I main barn base   J gambrel base
K gambrel upper   
L gambrel roof trim & pigeon hole rim
NOT SHOWN: contrast side roof
2. Insert sun shape into the opening of the "sky" horizon
shape, then turn work over to affix in place with
a piece of cello tape.
3. Position each successive landscape stratum over
sky base square shape, align side and bottom edges,
and attach in place.
NOTE: If you wish to reduce bulk of the multiple layers,
position and attach stratum overlay only approx. 1/4" - 1/2"
below wavy cut edge to preceding layer, then when seam
is secure, trim away the "hidden" underneath layer,
leaving the seam allowance of approx. 1/4" - 1/2".
4. Identify the barn assembly shapes, then . . .
. . . layer and join the left unit (contrast underlay,
main barn shape, roof shape) and the right unit
(gambrel base, gambrel upper, roof trim).
5. Position and attach left and right units, then
inset the pigeon hole rim and attach in place.
Immediately press assembly under a heavy flat weight
and leave in place until (liquid) adhesive is completely
set and dry, to help minimize warping or curling.
6. Prepare the card base by bending back along
the perforation line (mountain fold). Center the
strata assembly over the front panel with even narrow
margin all around, and attach in place.
7. Position and attach the barn unit as shown
to finish the card. (Press under weight until dry
if using liquid adhesive.)

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