Friday, May 31, 2024

Card Kit Penta Flowers Stitched

Detail-filled card includes plain and scallop edge ovals 
which include positioning guide center circles, 
three-layer sentiment guide that overlaps ovals. 
Floral elements include five-petal large and 
small blossoms with embroidery floss long stitches, 
solid flower under lays, two-part leaves, multi-leaf sprig, 
and heart wands. 
Card measures approx. 5”x7” when side-folded. 

Consider adding one of the printed 
“Banner Dbl Points to Print” to personalize this design. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A card base 5x7 when folded
B front accent panel
C scallop edge oval   D plain edge oval
E-G layered banner
H flower front with stitching holes (2)
I contrast flower base with center hole (2)
J small flower front with stitching holes
K small flower base with center hole
L ferny sprig (only 1 is needed)
M leaf base (4) and N leaf contour overlay (4)
O heart wand base with stem (4)
P heart overlay (4)
2. Select a coordinated embroidery floss. 
(The card sample is DMC 4124 variegated orange.)
3. The card sample shown here was distressed/colored
in the center to help with blend between floss color
and petals. Two colors were used, a yellow and orange.
Complete this step prior to stitching, if desired.
4. Prepare the regular contour petals by positioning
and attaching the half shape onto the whole shape
as shown with cut edges aligned where they match.
Press under a heavy flat weight until dried.
5. Assemble the layered double pointed ends banner
by layering as shown, aligning matching cut edges
where they can be. 
Press under a heavy flat weight until dried.
6. Assemble the optional heart wands by positioning
and attaching the heart overlays at top as shown.
Press if deemed necessary.
7. Cut a 30" length of 6-strand embroidery floss,
then thread through the largish eye of a tapestry
needle such as those shown (or slightly larger).
Keep one end long, for attaching to the backside
of the petal shape. The short end is the free end.
8. Use a small piece of cello tape to attach long end
to the backside of one of the petals as shown.
It is best that the tape not interfere 
with the stitching holes.
9. Insert the needle back-to-front through the nearest
side hole . . .
. . . push it through and carry the floss length through
to the front side of the work.
10. Next, insert needle through the lower larger hole
at petal base as shown.
11. Bring needle and floss UP through the next upper
hole in sequence, and then insert at larger base hole
to complete the next long stitch.
12. Repeat the long stitches in the same manner
across the petal, ending with the needle being
passed through base hole with floss length
on backside.
13. To assist with the direction of the floss to next petal,
pass the needle under the long stitches on backside . . .
. . . then pass it back-to-front up the same large base
hole that previous long stitches have entered. 
14. Insert needle into the CENTER hole, front-to-back.
15. Complete the small alternate stitch next to the center
medium length straight stitch "connecting" first stitched
petal work with center, then insert the needle up
through the base hole to begin the long stitches of 
the next petal.
16. Continue in the same manner to complete
the 7 long stitches of this petal, as shown in 
Steps 10-15 then complete the medium and short
straight stitches as center to work to the third petal,
and so forth. 
17. At some half-way point, the current
length of floss will need to be tied off. Accomplish this
at a convenient point when end is nearly to short
to continue with, when needle and floss end are
toward backside. Pull floss to remove any slack,
then use a small cello tape to hold end in place,
and trim away excess floss.
Cut a new 30" length, attach as shown in Step 8,
and continue where sequence was halted.
Complete the remaining petals and center stitches,
ending with needle to backside, and tie off
as described above.
18. Assemble each of two large flowers by gluing
the centers (only) together, using a thicker, quick-grab
adhesive such as the Fabri-Tack shown here.
19. Complete the small flower in a similar manner,
using a 26-28" length of 6-strand floss, creating
long stitches from each of the peripheral holes
and into the center large hole as shown.
20. Join the small flower to it's contrast base
at center only  in same manner as for large flower.
21. Fold card base and assemble the front panel
onto the front portion with offset margin all around.
22. Layer the plain edge oval centered over
the scallop edge oval, taking care to align
the three guide mark holes precisely.
23. NOTE the larger hole is toward the bottom
of the card.
24. Position and attach the ovals assembly over
card front, centering side to side, and using that
side margin spacing to match at top.
(This will create a larger margin at bottom)
25. Position and attach the two large flowers
over the upper side guide hole punches using
thicker quick-grab glue to glue centers only.
Then, position and attach the smaller flower at
the lower large guide hole manner. As each flower
is positioned, rotate petals for best relationship
to neighboring flowers.
26. Position and attach the sprig under small flower
(it may be necessary to lift and replace flower).
Position pairs of leaves under each large flower
as shown, or as desired.
27. Add tiny jewels or studs at heart wand centers
if desired, then position as desired, cutting or
tearing stems to needed length, tucking ends
under previously-positioned petals.
29. Position and attach banner at bottom of card.
(Stamp or print & cut or hand letter sentiment
or recipient as desired.)
Here is the completed assembly.

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