classic appliqué shape also known as
“axe head” uses a cut out shape for
English Paper Piecing.
Very accurate patches can be prepared using
a light
weight cardstock form with fabric
seam allowances folded around edges.
patches are appliqued together along
curved edges where inward and outward
“interlock” in rows.
Remove and re-used card stock forms when
no longer needed to
hold patch shape.
Here is a sample mini quilt with yo-yo's
(online search - no attribution available
with label too small to read):
For a thorough treatment of the technique beyond
the basic overview of assembly steps provided herein,
1. Cut and prepare the shapes:
A patch cutting template (includes .3" seam allows.)
B apple core stitching "form" with needle holes across upper
and lower curve edges; pin hole pair upper & lower
C traced (using A above) and cut fabric patches
D sample prepared finished size patch with
inward side curved edges clipped and basted
2. Prepare an apple core unit to baste by laying fabric cut patch face down then swiping underside
of card stock template underside with temp
fabric glue stick. Position template shape in
center of fabric patch with equal offset seam allow.
all around.
3. If needed (or in place of temp fabric glue stick),
attach card stock template in place with straight pins.
4. Load a single stand length of basting thread into
comfortable size hand needle; knot end.
5. Fold seam allowance snugly over paper edge,
then insert needle from backside through seam
allowance, through first card needle hole and
through face side of patch, then . . .
. . . in the same motion, insert needle through layers
to come UP to backside. Adjust the seam allowance
with each needle insertion (or half stitch) to push extra
length in to form slight ripples that accommodate the extra
seam allowance length to fit behind the shape.
Make sure fabric remains tight at card stock edge.
6. Continue across the first curve edge in the samedown-up baste stitch manner until final stitch
is complete. Tie off thread by repeating final stitch.
7. Turn the patch and repeat the basting across
the opposite outward curve edge.
(Side edge inward curves are NOT basted.)
8. To assist with precise positioning of prepared
patches into the rows assembly, fold the fabric
seam allowance under only near corners, then . . .
. . . use a temporary fabric marker to mark
the exact corner TIP with a dot.
Repeat for all four corners of each patch.
9. Continue to prepare a set of patches.
10. Arrange patch rows in selected order, noting that
the alternating patches are rotated 90 degrees so that
outward basted curve edge overlaps inward
un-basted curve seam allowance.
11. Move the first seam into position by overlapping
the basted edge of top patch over seam allowance,
matching dots of corresponding corners precisely.
Use fingertip "feel" to check that the fabric/card edges
of top and bottom layers do not overlap. Hold in place . . .
. . . and straight pin with 2-3 pins to secure in place,
-OR- use temp fabric basting glue to apply glue dots
slightly under the overlapping edge. Hold in place
until secure.
12. With thread matching top patch if possible,
tie on invisibly at one end, then complete
the applique stitches across the patch . . .
. . . and tie off invisibly at the opposite end.
Here is the completed first seam.
For a larger project, repeat this seam
as many times as needed to join all patches
for the first row. Then, complete a second row.
13. Prepare the rows to join by overlapping in similar
way as shown in step 11, twisting the rows so that
the appropriate fold edge patch lays on top and
the un-folded patch seam allowance lays on bottom.
Secure in place using your chosen method, then
stitch the applique seam across. It will be necessary
to adjust the direction of the applique stitches
at each new segment of the seam.
14. Continue to prepare, assemble rows, then
position and secure rows to main assembly.
When no longer needed, paper shapes can be
removed (take out basting stitching as necessary)
and reused for more patches.
NOTE that if the center panel of apple core shapes
will be attached to a foundation panel or borders,
leave the edge card stock shapes in place until
after the attachment. In this instance, the inward
curved fabric edges that fall along panel edge will need
to be clipped at 1/4 - 5/16" intervals to allow
fabric to be folded back at card edge, glue-basted
or needle & thread basted into shape.
Here is the sample four-patch apple core "panel"
with seams stitched and edges folded back.