Friday, February 28, 2025

St Patrick Day Patchwork Heart Card

Quilt lovers will “feel lucky” to receive this large format card 
with St. Patrick’s Day heart. Use your favorite varied 
green paper prints like fabric scraps! 
Center panel features seven patchwork shapes that 
compose heart, with shamrock head key and 
swirl knotted cord, word cut that expresses 
“lucky charm” (or optional “blessings”), 
and offset square lacy doily. 
Card measures approx. 5.5x7 (slightly oversized A7) 
when fully composed and folded. 

ASEEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A side fold card base
B rectangular doily eyelet edge panel
C patchwork heart offset base
D patchwork heart actual size base
(shown here substituting for the center patch)
E-J unique patches cut from varied paper prints
K cord swirl with 2-piece knot top end overlay
L key (cut 3-4 to layer for dimension)
M words cut outs shown with weeded panel
that can be used for placement assist
(NOTE that the letter cut outs coloration was
changed for improved visibility for final card.)
2. Follow this LINK to view the assembly guide for
a practically-identical Valentine's Day patch heart card.

3. Here is a tip to help with positioning and attachment of
the words cut outs. A) Retain the weeded (discard) area around
letters after they are cut and removed. 
B) Position that panel over card front
into preferred positioning for words. 
C) Temp tape or hold in place while applying liquid adhesive 
into the "windows" of letter cut outs. Then place
the letters into their cut out windows and apply
fingertip pressure until they are attached to card front.
D) Carefully remove the guide discard panel,
taking care that the letters remain attached.
Here is the completed card.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Mini Tote Shamrock Twist Support

One-piece cut shape constructs a rectangular base tote 
with center panel carrier “handle” extensions that "twist" 
into place as extension from each side wall. 
The tote is designed to carry 3 foil-packaged 
premium chocolate squares (handle bottom cut out
 helps secure them in upright position). 
Tab-latch bottom assembly makes assembly quick, 
and is used to insert candy squares before latching.  
Alternate version has arched shaping at support
under-edge for other loose or packaged candies. 
Cut from one-sided printed card stock for great results, 
or with a two-sided print that allows the paper backside 
to show in the box interior. 
Add miniature shamrock decoration below the handle,
 tie decorative bow through thumbhole. 
Or attach a name tag to make the tote into 
a place setting identification for 
a shenanigan’s dinner. 
Tote measures approx. 2.75” long x 1.375” wide 
x 3.25” tall at handle when fully assembled. 

NOTE that this is how the cut file should look
when opening. The design was submitted into
the Silhouette online store portal without
labels and instruction text.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes.
The sample at the beginning of this tutorial uses
the arched-bottom upright support - one-piece shape
and two accent shamrocks.
2. Prepare the hull shape by bending back on all
perforation lines for body walls, bottom latch panels,
side tab, upright "twist" support panel.
3. Form the hull into a box tube to bring together
the straight side edge to overlap across the opposite
seam tab; adjust and glue the seam.
NOTE that the hull can be flattened to allow
fingertip pressure to be applied along the seam,
until secured and dry.
4. Prepare to join the upright panels by applying
adhesive to the backside of ONE panel extension.
Then immediately . . .
. . . swing the second panel into position so
that the extensions align back to back, with
top and bottom cut edges, and finger hole
all even. Finalize position then apply pressure
until thoroughly joined.
5. To close the bottom, first bend the 'U' shaped
front panel to perpendicular. Next . . .
. . . bend the side extensions inward, and finally . . .
. . . bend the tab panel down into position.
Push the tab beyond perpendicular so that other
panels "flex" slightly inward/upward to allow tab
to slip into the "slot" formed. Then . . .
. . . assist the bottom latch panels to return to
the finishing position, perpendicular to side walls.
If desired, latch panels can be glued to each other
where they overlap.
6. Position the shamrock accent on to hull, at
center of front and back panels.
Here is the complete arch version tote.
7. For the variation that can hold 3 wrapped 
Ghirardelli chocolate squares, the candy is inserted
into the hull prior to full assembly of box.
Stack, insert and tuck the top edge up into
the notch at lower edge of center support, then. . .
. . . follow the latching procedure to close the bottom.
(NOTE that it will be a tight push up against candies.)
Here is the completed choc squares candy filled tote.

Apple Core English Paper Piecing 4 Inch Template

This classic appliqué shape also known as 
“axe head” uses a cut out shape for English Paper Piecing. 
Very accurate patches can be prepared using 
a light weight cardstock form with fabric 
seam allowances folded around edges. 
Prepared patches are appliqued together along 
curved edges where inward and outward curves 
“interlock” in rows. 
Remove and re-used card stock forms when 
no longer needed to hold patch shape. 

Here is a sample mini quilt with yo-yo's
(online search - no attribution available
with label too small to read):

For a thorough treatment of the technique beyond
the basic overview of assembly steps provided herein,
visit this SITE.

1. Cut and prepare the shapes:
A patch cutting template (includes .3" seam allows.)
B apple core stitching "form" with needle holes across upper
and lower curve edges; pin hole pair upper & lower
C traced (using A above) and cut fabric patches
D sample prepared finished size patch with
inward side curved edges clipped and basted
2. Prepare an apple core unit to baste by laying
fabric cut patch face down then swiping underside
of card stock template underside with temp
fabric glue stick. Position template shape in
center of fabric patch with equal offset seam allow.
all around.
3. If needed (or in place of temp fabric glue stick),
attach card stock template in place with straight pins.
4. Load a single stand length of basting thread into 
comfortable size hand needle; knot end.
5. Fold seam allowance snugly over paper edge,
then insert needle from backside through seam
allowance, through first card needle hole and
through face side of patch, then . . .
. . . in the same motion, insert needle through layers
to come UP to backside. Adjust the seam allowance
with each needle insertion (or half stitch) to push extra
length in to form slight ripples that accommodate the extra
seam allowance length to fit behind the shape. 
Make sure fabric remains tight at card stock edge.
6. Continue across the first curve edge in the same
down-up baste stitch manner until final stitch 
is complete. Tie off thread by repeating final stitch.
7. Turn the patch and repeat the basting across
the opposite outward curve edge.
(Side edge inward curves are NOT basted.)
8. To assist with precise positioning of prepared
patches into the rows assembly, fold the fabric
seam allowance under only near corners, then . . .
. . . use a temporary fabric marker to mark
the exact corner TIP with a dot.
Repeat for all four corners of each patch.
9. Continue to prepare a set of patches.
10. Arrange patch rows in selected order, noting that
the alternating patches are rotated 90 degrees so that
outward basted curve edge overlaps inward
un-basted curve seam allowance.
11. Move the first seam into position by overlapping
the basted edge of top patch over seam allowance,
matching dots of corresponding corners precisely.
Use fingertip "feel" to check that the fabric/card edges
of top and bottom layers do not overlap. Hold in place . . .
. . . and straight pin with 2-3 pins to secure in place,
-OR- use temp fabric basting glue to apply glue dots
slightly under the overlapping edge. Hold in place
until secure.
12. With thread matching top patch if possible,
tie on invisibly at one end, then complete
the applique stitches across the patch . . .
. . . and tie off invisibly at the opposite end.
Here is the completed first seam.
For a larger project, repeat this seam
as many times as needed to join all patches
for the first row. Then, complete a second row.
13. Prepare the rows to join by overlapping in similar
way as shown in step 11, twisting the rows so that
the appropriate fold edge patch lays on top and
the un-folded patch seam allowance lays on bottom.
Secure in place using your chosen method, then
stitch the applique seam across. It will be necessary
to adjust the direction of the applique stitches
at each new segment of the seam.
14. Continue to prepare, assemble rows, then
position and secure rows to main assembly.
When no longer needed, paper shapes can be
removed (take out basting stitching as necessary)
and reused for more patches.
NOTE that if the center panel of apple core shapes
will be attached to a foundation panel or borders,
leave the edge card stock shapes in place until
after the attachment. In this instance, the inward
curved fabric edges that fall along panel edge will need
to be clipped at 1/4 - 5/16" intervals to allow
fabric to be folded back at card edge, glue-basted
or needle & thread basted into shape.
Here is the sample four-patch apple core "panel"
with seams stitched and edges folded back.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Card Hearts Corner Pop A6


Strategically fold the perforated card base to push 
the top left corner down and inward, so that when 
the card is opened by recipient, the triangle pointing inside 
“springs” up to display another scalloped heart accent. 
Print & Cut hearts on front (“Happy Valentine’s Day” 
and inside (“From My Heart to Yours”) add a custom touch. 
Blank heart panels provide alternative to hold 
your own stamps or messages, etc, to convert 
the Valentine’s Day card into a friendship, birthday, 
Mother’s Day or other occasion card. 
Add mix and match coordinated print 
offset panels on front and inside. 
Card measures approx. 4.63” tall x 6.25” wide 
when top-fold closed. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A card base with fold perforation lines
B front panel offset overlay
C front doily heart assembly including print & cut heart
and contrast heart
D front pair of heart and scallop base accents
E interior heart assembly with print & cut heart
with doily heart base and contrast heart
F interior main panel offset accent and corner
G sentiment panel
H interior upper panel offset accents
2. Prepare and assemble the heart accents by
centering and layering, attaching in place so that . . .
. . . they look like this. Front hearts ensemble
on left, interior heart assembly on right.
3. Prepare the card base by bending back along
the horizontal centerline, then . . .
. . . bend back on each of the diagonal lines
on front and back halves of card base. Next . . .
. . . redirect the center fold to be a "valley" fold as
it is pushed downward and inward as the diagonal 
folds take their final positions. Finally . . .
. . . bring the diagonal folds together and press along
all the folds to crease firmly.
NOTE: if the card base card stock paper is NOT
solid core, it may be advisable to color with distress
ink to cover the white core at perforations.
4. Position and attach the front panel accent overlay
over the front base within the fold lines with narrow
offset margin all around.
5. On the card inside, position and attach the main
and corner accent panels in the same manner with
narrow offset margin all around.
6. Repeat the process of step 5 for the upper interior
spaces with corresponding accent overlays.
7. Position and attach the oval sentiment panel
on the interior main accent panel.
8. Position the pair of hearts along the diagonal fold
of closed card so that they are evenly spaced,
making sure that they do not extend beyond
the upper fold edge . . .
. . . as shown by this plexiglass straight edge, 
as well as . . .
. . . the left edge. Once best positioning is achieved,
glue in place where heart lower portion overlaps.
9. Position the larger accent heart centered over
the edge and the pair of hearts, and glue in place
here it overlaps other shapes or card base.
10. On the card inside, position the heart assembly
over the fold-in corner panel, with point above
the diagonal fold, and left edge within the card edge.
Make sure that the pop-up corner will close when
heart is in place. After best positioning is achieved, 
glue lower portion only in place where it overlaps 
the fold-in corner.

Here is the completed card front . . .
. . . and as it un-folds.