Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunflower Patchwork Block A6 Card

Cheery card features a four-patch quilt block
replica with curvy stem and a pair of leaves
and flanking script phrase "scatter sunshine".
Build the layered "patches" on foundation
(either quarter portion or guide-marked whole),
mount on narrow-offset base mat, then arrange
the elements on sawtooth and plain edge accent
panels. Arrange these on front of side fold card.
Card measures approx. 4.64" wide x 6.5" tall
when fully assembled and closed.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A card base with fold perforation
B accent front panel plain edge
C accent top front panel sawtooth edge
D sunflower patch block offset accent
E four-block patch assembly base (shows thru
as sunflower patchwork "background")
F sunflower "petal" patchwork groups (4 sets
with 8 different petal prints or solids)
G optional blossom center circle accent
H curvy stem   I petals pair
J words cut out (don't loose the 'i' jot!)
2. Prepare to assemble the card base by identifying
the helpful positioning marking for the patchwork block 
accent base that are cut into the top of the sawtooth panel.
3. Fold the card base in half along perforation.
Position the plain edge base, centered on the
card base front and attach. Repeat to position
the sawtooth front panel onto the front of
the assembly. Set aside until blossom is complete
in the following steps.
4. NOTE that a separate petals base quadrant
base is included in the cut design to allow 4 different
background prints to be used.
For the sample card, the "consolidated" base
panel that shows thru as the block's single background
color will be used. It includes "crosshairs" center
positioning markings in the form of short dash lines.
(For the purposes of photography, the lines have
be highlighted with pencil lines here.)
A)  Working with the first petals group unit,
position the center triangle into one corner of
the crosshairs markings with the right angle edges
positioned exactly at the lines. Glue in place.
B) Position first petal shape abutted at the triangle's
long edge, so that the bottom edge is an extension
of the triangle's bottom edge, and the outer edge aligns
at the patch background edge, as shown.
C) Repeat for the mirror image second triangle which
is placed in the opposite position.
NOTE that a separate petals base quadrant
base (shown here as plain white) is included in 
the cut design, with the background "square" with cut off
center corner where the triangle patch is placed,
to allow 4 different background prints to be used.
D) Repeat steps A-C to position and attach
the three other petal groups in the same manner.
E) position and attach the contrast center circle
accent, if desired.
5. Position the blossom assembly, centered, on
the offset accent base, and attach in place.
6. Position the blossom patch onto the card front
assembly, with the top corners positioned at
the guide marks, then attach in place, except
leave the bottom left corner area unattached
until the stem is positioned, in the next step.
7. Position the curvy stem with the bottom end
edge flush with the plain edge accent panel,
and the left curve edge a scant 1/4" in from
sawtooth inward cut edges. Attach the long
portion of stem in place, then LIFT the lower
left corner of sunflower block to overlap stem,
then reposition and attach block and stem.
8. Arrange and attach the whole and vein-cut
leaves near the lower curve of stem.
9. Arrange and attach the word cut outs in
the panel margin along right side of card.
Here is the complete card.

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