Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Star Lindor Choc Ball Place Card

Five-point star slides together with vertical slots, 
then slips over a wrapped Lindor candy ball 
within the lower rounded hollow, 
with tiny pop-out tabs to keep top points aligned. 
(Recommended to cut double layers for 
each star shape for sturdiness.) 
Star measures approx. 3.75” tall. 
Assemble a bunch to add sparkle to a holiday table 
(Christmas, Independence Day and more). 
Adapt for place card by adding a dinner guest’s name. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
top: "up-slot" star with mini tab front layer, back layer
bottom: "down-slot" front layer, back layer
2. Bend the mini-tabs forward. Then . . .
. . . layer both up-slot shapes and glue together,
leaving the tabs free and unconnected to the layer
underneath (one tab for each face of the finished shape).
Also layer both down-slot shapes and glue together.
3. Immediately press the layered and glued-up star shapes
under a heavy flat weight such as a thick book,
and leave in place for a long span to allow glue to
dry completely. This will help prevent warping or
curling of the liquid glue.
4. Position the up-slot star above the down-slot star
in perpendicular position and interlock the two halves,
pushing carefully together until upper arm tips and
hollow edges are aligned and even.
In final position, the backside of mini tabs should
lie in front of the other star surface, both on front
and on back of the assembly. Add a dab of glue
to keep connected in place. NOTE it may be
helpful to use the blade of a spatula or similar 
tool to apply pressure to attach.
5. Open the stars to right angle "cross", then
slide in place over the Lindor chocolate candy
ball, with wrapper ends extending between two
opposite spaces.
Here is the finished candy-holding star place card.
NOTE the stars can be gently folded flat after use
for storage and re-use.

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