Saturday, January 25, 2025

Valentine and Snowflake 3D Bowls

A pair of hexagon bowls for winter and Valentine's seasons.
Each has fold-over walls and integrated handles. 
Lacy accents or coordinated paper patterns on outer walls 
plus coordinated interior overlays add visual interest. 
Each assembled bowl is attached to a base with 
tabs thru slots, with a bottom reinforcing layer 
to hide tabs. 
Doily Valentine's bowl measures approx. 5.876” wide 
x 5.875” long x 2.75” tall (2” excluding” handles) when assembled.
Snowflake bowl measures approx. 5.25” wide x 
5” long x 2.5” tall (excluding 1.75” handles) when assembled.

 NOTE that because of similarities of assembly,
this tutorial will focus on the hearts doily bowl.
Minimal additional information for snowflake bowl
will follow at the end.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A bowl hull shape with integrated handles cut in
lacy exterior accents B handle panels (2) and
C regular panels (4)
Interior accents D handle panels (2),
E regular panels (4) and F base hex
G doily base with slots & H offset scalloped base
2. Prepare the main hull panel by bending back
on all perforation lines for hexagon base and tabs,
wall tabs and cross wall folds (including the tiny
perf cuts that allow the handle walls to bend back
with the handles . . .
. . . remaining unbent and upright.
3. Invert the hull shape as shown, then bend two adjacent
walls inward to align the straight side wall edge across
the neighboring tab flange to perforation line, then
glue in place. 
NOTE that it may be helpful to place the seam being
joined flat on work surface in order to apply fingertip
or thumb pressure all along until fully joined.
Repeat for the remaining 5 seams.
4. Apply adhesive to undersides of connected interior
wall panels, one by one as they are ready, then bend
each to the inside to join back to back with main hull
walls. Place the assembly on flat surface for each
folded-in wall to apply sufficient smoothing/attaching
pressure to that panel, then move on to the next
until all 6 panels are bent inward and attached.
5. Add the exterior lacy accents which have a small
offset margin around upper, side and handle edges 
so that the hull shows evenly. 
The heart trio accents are added in the same manner,
with offset margin along top and side edges.
6. Position and attach the interior wall accent shapes
in a similar manner.
7. Position assembled bowl over front of doily base
to align and insert the 6 tabs through slots.
Push tabs through completely.
On the underside, apply glue to the inward surface
of tabs, then bend inward to attach to underside
of the doily base. To help with attachment . . .
. . . place assembly base-down on work surface and
apply fingertip pressure to each spot where tab is
located each is until fully joined.
8. Apply adhesive to the underside of doily base,
then position on top of offset solid base, adjusting
to achieve the even offset margin all around.
Quickly work all around to apply fingertip pressure
to doily that shows at edges, and also in the center
hexagon of the bowl assembly.
Here is the completed bowl filled with treats.
9. Here are the similar cut shapes to create
this bowl.
A bowl hull shape with integrated handles cut in
exterior accents B handle panels (2) and
C regular panels (4)
D interior accents  (6) and E base hex
F snowflake base with slots 
G offset scalloped base
10. Follow Steps 2-8 in similar manner for the Valentine
bowl, except the snowflake bowl interior accents do not 
include handle arch extensions. These images show 
the similar way that the bowl assembly tabs are inserted 
into the snowflake base, and . . .
. . . the snowflake base fitted onto the "scalloped"
(offset snowflake) base in final steps.
And here is the completed, filled snowflake bowl.

Heart Puzzle Card with Mini Heart 5x7

Cut and stack multiple layers of full heart shape
with pieces “outlines” shape on top to resemble 
chipboard puzzle thickness. 
Then attach the separate puzzle pieces in place 
to make a memorable card suitable for Valentine’s Day, 
anniversary, engagement, or other sweetheart 
messaging occasions. 
Tiny interior heart is cut from the same multiple layers 
of red and taupe-gray colored card stock 
(or preserved from other cut shapes) and 
glued as a stack. 
A “print & cut” front panel expresses 
“you hold a piece of me” 
(or use second option “you complete me”) 
and provides the base to exhibit the puzzle hearts 
where guide cut marks direct. 
Top-fold presents easel-style display. 
Make the tiny heart “interactive” by using 
a temp adhesive dot to attach it outside the heart 
where recipient can move it to fit into 
the larger heart’s cut out opening. 
Card measures approx. 5” x 7” when assembled. 
A companion envelope design 
“Env Puzzle Heart Flap 5x7” 
(separate design) is also available.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A large heart base with cut out (5-6 for thickness)
B top base layer of stack showing 
puzzle pieces positioning
C individual puzzle piece shapes (hint: try
to keep them in general positioning as each
is removed from cutting sheet)
E small heart front and 5-6 stacking shapes
(retained from the A-C cuttings; see following image)
F "print & cut" front panel which includes small
'v' guide marks for hearts positioning
G 5x7 top fold card base
As noted, the small heart puzzle piece stack can be
achieved by retaining (saving) each of the "weeded"
heart cut out shapes from the larger hearts as 
these are cut.
2. Prepare the large heart puzzle by stacking and
gluing together the base hearts, with the top base
layer with partial cut puzzle piece positions.
Take care when gluing to work quickly, first with
top layer and second layer, then with each added
layer one by one, applying glue all around and at
edges of inner and outer heart, then stacking and
making sure that all cut edges are aligned 
as precisely as possible
NOTE that if you intend that the small heart puzzle piece
fit into the cut out opening as an "interactive", particular
care must be taken that the opening edges align
As the stacking and gluing of layers proceeds,
it is a good idea to press the stack under a flat heavy
weight such as the thick book volume shown here
perhaps with something else heavy placed on top.
Once the stack is complete, press with heavy objects,
then leave in place and allow to fully dry for several hours
or over night. Pressing in this way will help minimize any
warping or curling due to use of liquid adhesive.
3. Once base stack is dry, position each of the individual
puzzle shapes where top layer guide cuts indicate.
Hint: it will be helpful to work quickly in continuous
order so that any small adjustments can be made
for best fit while glue may still be fresh.
Press the completed puzzle under heavy flat weight.
4. Repeat the stacking and gluing step for the small
heart, including pressing under flat weight til dry.
5. To achieve better puzzle pieces definition, consider
using a stylus or similar tool to apply pressure along/
between the puzzle "seam" lines, giving an authentic
press cut appearance to top layer.
6. Follow the regular "print & cut" procedures to prepare
the front panel of card. Also fold the card base along
the cross perforation line. Position the front panel
onto the front base panel, with narrow offset margin
showing evening al around, and attach in place.
(NOTE that dry adhesive tape or equivalent may be
a great choice in this step.)
7. Locate the positioning 'v' cuts for bottom point and
upper "valley" edges of large heart indicated by
pointing finger here, and also for small heart. Then . . .
. . . position and attach the hearts in place.
Press if deemed advisable.
If desired, prepare the companion envelope.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Mitten Card Nordic Snowflake 5x7

Create this hearth warming mitten shaped 
greeting card to celebrate the winter season 
for Christmas, Hanukah or Kwanza in December, 
or New Year’s Day or MLK Day in January, 
or as a cheery greeting as a snowy weather 
hello whenever it happens. 
Nordic snowflake motifs with oversized “yarn” 
cut outs suggest knitting patterns and wrist ribbing 
on front accent overlay panel. 
Select base and overlay color for high contrast 
show-thru, or use various panels included to color top, 
middle and bottom portions separately. 
Back mitten panel includes a cross-perforation line 
that creates a “hinge” when attached behind 
the upper front panel portion backside - 
a pivot point so that card can stand as self-easel. 
Cut and print the “Winter wave” greeting tag 
to twine-tie onto card at punch hole 
as a finishing touch, or stamp/pen 
your own greeting. 
A companion envelope 
Env Nordic Snowflake Flap 5x7 
(separate design) is also available. 

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A front card base (contrast with cut outs panel)
B front cut outs panel
C back card base (mirror image of front base,
with cross perforation line to create "hinge"
D underlay to show thru cut out panel center
E & F underlays to show thru cut out panel
upper and lower
(NOT SHOWN: alt. whole underlay panel
for single color contrast show thru)
G print & cut sentiment tag with contrast base
H interior signing label
2. Check out your options (prior to cutting
underlays as show thru to front cut outs panel).
The simplest is to have the desirable contrast
come from the variation between cut outs panel
and front card base panel
Next simplest option is to have a one color
underlay - cut as the "whole' shape that shows
thru ALL cut outs. The most involved option
is to have separate contrast underlays for
each of top, middle and bottom sections.
For the sample project, top and bottom separate
underlay panels were cut from light medium gray,
and center portion was cut from white.
3. Place the cut outs panel face down on work surface,
then carefully apply glue at edge margins where
the underlay and backside of cut outs panel will touch
and position it with offset margin all around as can
be seen here. Then repeat the addition of adhesive
to top and bottom contrast sections and place them
edge-to-edge with center. 
4. Position and attach the front cut outs panel
with underlays onto the card base front, allowing
even offset margin all around. Take care to align
the twine tie punch hole near top.
Press under a heavy flat weight if possible
until glue is dried.
5. Prepare the printed tag following "print & cut"
technique instructions for the Silhouette Cameo system.
(Or prepare your own front tag blank and decorate it
as you wish as a pen & ink or stamped message)
Layer and attach the offset front accent tag to base.
6. Prepare the back card base by bending forward
along the cross perforation line (top portion should
fold toward the face side of back panel).
Position front and back panels back-to-back,
align top rounded portions, and glue only the part
above the perforation line in place.
7. If desired, position and attach the interior
signing and message label on the inward
surface of the back panel.
Here is the completed card with tag.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mitten 3D Upright Container

Create a perky mitten standing "box" to celebrate 
the winter season and add an accent to seasonal decor, 
for December and Christmas, or January 
and snowy weather. Or just for fun!
Nordic snowflake motifs with oversized “yarn” cut outs 
suggest knitting patterns and wrist ribbing on 
layered-for-thickness front and back panels. 
Separate compartment is assembled with reinforcing
accent boxing overlays, then attached between the panels. 
Fill this unique container with loose sweet treats, 
silk greenery or seasonal stems or picks, 
add tissue paper-wrapped gifts for birthday, 
get well or cheery greetings for Valentine's Day 
or other occasions. 
Project measures approx. 7.375” tall x 5.5” wide 
x 1.375” deep when fully assembled 
(interior container is somewhat smaller). 
Consider adding one of the the Nordic Heart tags 
(separate designs) as a finishing touch.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A-C mitten FRONT & BACK panel layers:
for each -- the sample project uses 
blue face plate, 3 inner kraft,
cream back face
D left & right interior compartment main front, back panel
E thumb compartment front, back panel
F bottom reinforcement stack (3-4 layers to match E)
G right side with bottom boxing strip with accent overlays
H left side boxing strip with accent overlays
I thumb extension boxing strip with accent overlays
2. Prepare the Front and Back panel stack by quickly
applying liquid adhesive between the layers of front
(or back) cut out shape then carefully layering so that
ALL cut edges align as precisely as possible.
Make sure the punch hole for hang tag is aligned
as each layer is added.
Back layer should match the interior container layer.
Immediately press stack under a flat heavy weight
such as this thick book, possibly with something else
heavy on top, and leave in place for several hours or
over nighty. This helps minimize warping or curling of
paper layers when using liquid adhesive.
3. To provide strength and reinforcement for bottom of
interior compartment "floor", layer the bottom strips,
align cut edges precisely as these are glued into
one stack. Press until dried.
4. Visualize how the front and back layered panels
will look and be configured when the compartment
with boxing is added between. Then . . .
. . . prepare the boxing strips to echo that shaping.
Add some back-curl to the top portion of each side
boxing strip in the sections where the small tabs are
(but take care NOT to bend an actual crease into boxing)
using a narrow rod-like tool such as the wooden dowel shown.
Also bend at the cross perforation lines, bending
forward or back as the shape of the panel suggests.
At the small "round" opposite the thumb extension,
bend the upper 2 perforations inward and
the 3rd perforation outward.
For the side boxing that includes the bottom segment,
bend inward at a right angle. 
5. Bend the boxing tabs back, then dry-fit the panel edge
under the tabs to test where the bends will fit.
(NOTE: when the back panel is positioned, fingertip
pressure access along tabs-to-boxing seam will be
more limited, so the suggestion will be to attach panel
edge on top of the boxing; if preferred to have this
assembly step match, place panel edge on top at
this step as well.)
Apply liquid adhesive along the tabs for the upper
curve segment and . . .
. . . side long segment . . .
. . . then fit those segments along the panel edge,
taking care that the top tab perforation and the end
of long segment perforation each align accurately
at corresponding "angles" of panel. Apply pressure
from backside until seam is secure.
6. Apply adhesive to the next segments, then
continue to fit them to the edge of panel . . .
. . . with similar care to alignment. 
Apply pressure to secure attachment.
7. Position the remaining side boxing strip by
overlapping the straight edge across end tab,
adjusting top to bottom for alignment, then joining.
8. Position it along the panel side edges in manner
similar to what was done for opposite side boxing.
Take care that top segment- tab perforation line
aligns with top "corner" angle of panel.
Apply pressure as attachment proceeds.
9. Prepare the accent overlays for boxing by identifying
which boxing segments each will attach to, and
arranging for easiest assembly. Add similar back curl
to the top ends of upper strips.
Check that the curl of strip will match boxing as
desired, then apply adhesive, position within boxing
segment with small offset margin all around . . .
. . . and attach in place.
For easier fingertip access for applying pressure,
invert the boxing strip in question onto flat work surface,
and position fingertips to press from inside.
10. Prepare the next overlay by bending along
perforations so that they echo the hull boxing . . .
. . . then position and attach in place, aligning
perforations and bends.
11. Continue with bottom overlay, and . . .
. . . the two overlays on the thumb extension side.
NOTE that the area where the thumb boxing will
attach is left blank.
12. Prepare the thumb boxing strip by bending back
on all perforation lines, including end tabs
(which may be re-bent as needed).
13. Fit the thumb panel inside the boxing tabs
and form boxing around panel as much as
possible. (NOTE that there may be some slight
"wiggle room" around end.)
Take care to align ends of panel tips at ends
of boxing to allow close fit of thumb to hull.
14. Position and attach accent overlays to thumb . . .
. . . bending at perforation lines as required.
15. Prepare the thumb assembly to attach by
bending inward along the attachment edge flange.
Apply glue to the flange, then insert the bottom . . .
. . . top thumb large tabs into the appropriate slots
on hull side panel. Push all the way in, then . . .
. . . on the inside, bend the tabs downward
and apply pressure to attach to the adjacent
boxing wall. Hold in place until attached. 
16. Working quickly, apply adhesive to backside of 
(thoroughly dried)  cut outs panel stack around cut outs, 
and also to edges of compartment panel/tabs 
(to avoid adhesive erroneously showing or coming 
through cut outs. Position the front 
centered over the compartment so that the offset
margin of panel is approximately even all around
(except at top which is straight cut). This may be . . .
. . . best viewed when placing the assembly face down
on work surface. Hang tag punch hole should remain
visible above the compartment upper edge as shown.
Then immediately apply fingertip pressure
all around to ensure that the panel and
compartment are thoroughly attached.
17. Apply glue to underside of "floor" reinforcement
panel, then position, centered, inside the compartment
with the bottom boxing segment. Apply pressure
until fully attached, including within thumb area.
18. Close the compartment bending all edge tabs
inward, then applying glue to the outer face side 
of tabs. Position the compartment back panel over
tabs and opening, adjust boxing as needed to fit curves
and corners or angles, etc., then apply pressure 
all along area of boxing seam until fully attached.
19. Repeat the process to position and attach
thumb back panel, first bending the inward flange
back into place and applying adhesive to flange face
before tucking it down to attach to side boxing panel.
20. Prepare to attach the back cut outs panel by
applying glue around cut outs and along compartment
edges as was done for front panel. Then position,
adjust so offset margin is even all around while also
matching with offset positioning of front panel, etc.,
and apply pressure to ensure good attachment.
This may require reaching inside with hands or
other helpful objects or tools.

21. Apply glue to backside of upper tabs, then bend
back fully to attach in place to boxing backside.
22. If desired, prepare one of the Nordic heart tags
(separate designs) by layering front panel over
contrast back panel and attaching in place.
To make the faux stitching cuts show better, use
fine tip pencil or felt tip to carefully fill in the cuts.
If desired, position and attach the back label for
identifying the recipient or signing name, or sending
a short greeting, etc.
Here is the completed project, with heart tag
tied onto front panel at punch hole.