Activity Vehicle 5x7 Card Designs
from SnapDragon Snippets
Dump Truck has wheels that spin and dumper bucket that pivots.
Cement Mixer has wheels that spin and mixer barrel that can pivot.
Fork Lift has lift on a penny slider mechanism so that lift moves up and down.
Review the following assembly tips that will show how to layer and attach
the moving parts so that your favorite child recipient can have
the most fun possible with these unique card designs!
the moving parts so that your favorite child recipient can have
the most fun possible with these unique card designs!
Great for "Construction Vehicles Party" or "Work Zone" activities.
General Notes:
Each download file includes some extra shapes, including a "card front" base shape. Use this as a contrast foundation for building the vehicle if you wish. OR, use it alone as a "post card" style card or over-size tag, or to create 2d shapes for use with other decor such as a banner. NOTE that the vehicle shapes are offset slightly within the edges of the card.
Dump Truck:
A. Assemble the shapes on the card front. NOTE here how the truck bed (red) strip needs to align below the dumper stop tab slot.
B. Prepare the "stop tab" by folding in half at center perf, then folding end perfs outward. Glue the top portion layers together.
C. Insert the top of stop tab from card front backside to front. NOTE: it is a tight fit; if the thickness of the card stock you are using makes it too tight, use scissors to narrow the tab slightly
D. Fold end tabs outward on card backside and glue in place.
E. Complete remaining assembly, including wheels (attach to card front with medium brads), door with handle, and dumper layers.
F. Position assembled dumper so that pivot hole lines up with corresponding card front hole. Insert and affix brad.
NOTE: punch holes are sized for "American Crafts Medium Brad" stems. If the brads you select have wider stems, simply push through the aligned holes.
NOTE: punch holes are sized for "American Crafts Medium Brad" stems. If the brads you select have wider stems, simply push through the aligned holes.
G. Here is the finished card front. NOTE how the lower front edge of dumper stops at the protruding "stop tab".
Here the dumper is down in transport mode, . . . .
. . . and here the dumper is up in unloading mode.

B. Assemble the mixer barrel with end contrast base shape (grayish), center base shape (white), stripes overlay (blue).
C. Position barrel over card front with holes aligned, then insert brad through support shape (red) and attach brad through layers.
D. With brad helping to position upper portion of support shape properly, glue bottom only of support shape over truck bed strip shape (green), keeping lower straight edge aligned with bed and bumper edges.
E. Assemble and attach wheels with brads.

F. Here I am demonstrating how the barrel can pivot to help deliver its load.
Fork Lift:
A. Assemble the vehicle shapes on the card front, including chassis, layered engine (black) and grille (gray), seat (red), dash (brown) and control stick (black). This image shows some of the pre-assembly completed.
B. Assemble the star barrels, and lift base strips onto the slider base shape.
C. Fold the handle strip tab in half at center perf, fold lower tabs outward at lower perfs. Glue the upper center portion together.
D. Insert the tab through the slider base slot. If it seems too thick to fit, trim the width slightly with scissors.
E. Glue the tabs to the backside of slider base.
F. Locate the foam square position on the slide base backside. Affix a 1/4" foam square at that position.
G. Position the slider with the foam square inserting into the slide slot of card front.
Here you can see the slider in place, viewed from the inside of card front.
H. Hot glue (or other appropriate adhesive) a penny centered over the foam square.
I. Attach the penny cover circle.
Here you can see how the slider can be moved from the inside of the card.

Here, the lift is moved using the handle tab. It can be lowered ....
... or raised.
(The single slot construction will need a little "assist" to keep the lift straight.)
J. Complete the card by assembling wheel layers, then attaching with brads, as with other vehicles.