Twelve “rooftop” saw tooth points
a long narrow box where star-shaped
Santa head box moves to “rest” as he counts
how many days remain until Christmas.
Stencil-style numbers 1 thru 24 show
thru face plates
on box front and back, arranged so that Santa begins
at number
24 (days ‘til Christmas) and moves toward left
across one side, then rotates to
second side and #12
to continue moving until he gets to #1 on Christmas Eve.
number face plates are also included
for marking December days from left to
Hidden 1/2” ceramic magnets are attached inside
star “legs” to gently
connect where small
zinc washers are attached behind saw tooth walls,
assisting Santa
counter in stay in place.
Saw tooth box measures approx. 11.7” across x 2” tall
x 1” deep. Star measures approx. 3” tall x 3” wide x 1” deep.
(Project requires 12x12 cutting capacity and stock.)
ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes for the box:
A box LID front panel (contrast - shows thru numerals)
B box LID front numerals overlay
C box LID back panel
D box LID back numerals overlay
E & F boxing strips to join for LID
G & H box end overlay panels with accents
I narrow accent strips (2)
J BASE insert main hull
K (2)BASE insert end extensions to attach to J
NOT SHOWN: strut support strips for BASE
J star box back cover (to hid the opening)
K star boxing strip
L star box back face (with finger access cutout)
M star box front face
N Santa silhouette to build on (with eye cont. window)
O Santa details: hat, hat tassel, brim fur, eye contrast
P eye overlays, face (missing: eyebrows)
Q mustache and beard
3. Procure .5" ceramic magnets and zinc washers
to be glued inside the star box "legs" and box roof panels
respectively, to provide magnetic connection to assist
Santa star in place.
4. Prepare the LID front and back panels by positioning
and attaching the 2 number panels precisely on top
of the front and back panels so that outer cut edges
of both layers match up.
5. Working quickly, position and attach the accent stripon the bottom of the wall assemblies, then immediately . . .

. . . press flat under a heavy weight such as this large
book volume, possibly with something heavy on top.
Leave weights in place for hours or overnight, to help
reduce or eliminate warping or curling of glued-up shapes.

6. Position and attach accent panels onto end overlays.
7. Bend the boxing strips in sawtooth shape, with
7. Bend the boxing strips in sawtooth shape, with
end panel (left in this image) perforation as mountain fold,
then alternating valley and mountain folds across.
NOTE that the edge tabs shape will provide clues to
perforation line bend direction: valley bends fall where
single cut is made through tab, and mountain bends
on end panels of boxing strips.
9. Align the two panels with inward ends together
(end tabs have circle punch symbols), overlap
the straight end edge across the end tab of other strip
to perf line, adjust for top-to-bottom alignment
and join seam.
10. Begin to join boxing to front panel by locatingthe center "valley". Position the boxing center seam
exactly at the valley, with boxing edge perforation
exactly at panel edge, and attach in place. Hold in place
until secure. Bend the boxing to position, align and
attach the next segment tab at next panel edge.
two adjacent boxing segments that meet at the point
front panel and glue is dried, position a metal washer
centered behind each of the point panels. Use a strong
quick dry adhesive, such as Fabri-Tack or hot melt glue.
point and end panel tabs inward. Center the panel
then align, adjust and attach to boxing in similar manner
to the way front panel is attached.
15. Prepare the BASE hull shape and end panels
by bending back on all perforation lines for panels
and tabs.
16. Position the bottom tab of end panels under
end edge of hull shape, straight edge overlapped
to perforation line.
17. Bend the end and side walls into position to
join corner seams.
18. Prepare the strut support strips by bending
in zigzag manner, and also bending tabs perpendicular
to strut strip.
19. Join strut strips center seam.
20. Apply adhesive to the underside of tabs, then
condense folds to insert the strip into the BASE tray,
with tabs along front (or back) wall.
Spread zigzag bends evenly across length, then . . .
. . . apply fingertip pressure to attach tabs where
they are positioned.
21. Complete the box by slipping the tight-fitting LID
over the BASE, then . . .
. . . slide together, leaving a narrow margin exposed
where quick-grab glue can be applied all around BASE.
Finally, push the box completely together so that . . .
. . . bottom edges align as precisely as possible.
22. Prepare to assembly the Santa head by
identifying the shapes (NOTE that the eyebrow shapes
were omitted from photos), including the head oval
with eye cutout windows and triangle which points to top.
A) Position and attach the face shape on front of
the silhouette build-on base shape where edges align.
B) Reverse silhouette shape, then apply glue to back
of face shape which shows thru within
the window cutout. Insert eye contrast into the window
and attach in place.
C) On front, position and attach eye shapes into windows.
D) Position and attach hat shape and beard shape
above and below face shape.
E) Position and attach tassel at top of hat.
F) Position and attach mustache, hat brim and
G) Press flat under a heavy weight until dry.
23. Prepare the star boxing strip by bending perforations
with mountain folds where the angled edge tabs, and
with valley folds where the straight cut lines are.
The end two perforation lines (excluding the end tab)
are folded as mountain folds.
NOTE that the star boxing strip includes the word
'STAR' cut into the boxing, to distinguish from box boxing.
Check the bending direction by shaping the boxing
to echo the star face panel.
24. Identify the star face shapes: solid star with 'F'
is FRONT panel; second smaller solid star
is the back cover.
25. Locate the boxing strip center mountain fold,
then position at center top point.
Apply glue to first two boxing tabs, then position
behind the front star edges, align, and attach.
NOTE it may be helpful to position and join two edges
in same operation.
26. Continue to position, align and attach boxing edges
to front panel, until . . .
. . . the end segments bend around the blunt star point
"leg". NOTE that end tab should bend as valley fold.
27. Return to the center top and complete similar
27. Return to the center top and complete similar
also apply glue to the face of the boxing end tab . . .
. . . then position and attach segment and end
. . . then position and attach segment and end
edge in the same motion. Apply fingertip pressure
the inside of star by first identifying the two surfaces
behind which they will be added, shown by the pointing
finger here. These are the surfaces that will
touch the sawtooth peak faces to keep the Santa star
in place as it moves along. Keeping these in mind . . .
. . . locate the backside of the same faces and apply
. . . locate the backside of the same faces and apply
beginning at center top in similar manner to
attaching of front star panel. Use the "hollow" shape
to reach fingertips inside to help adjust, and
apply fingertip pressure to attach in place
then position and attach the cover star to seal
magnets inside. NOTE that the cover star is a tiny
silhouette attaches to star face), taking care to
align the angled edges of center bottom beard shape
to the bottom angled edges of star box, and
is positioned at #24 on December 1st
with the bottom of Santa beard
fitting over the sawtooth crest above
the target number.
in a temporary, low strength way, until it needs
to be moved -- the next day -- to be above