and festive patchwork tag-style
standing card presents ten “scrap” shapes
(varied paper patterns), “pieced” together on base
that can show thru as one of the center patches,
overlaid with the classic Dreidel outline shape.
The assembly is centered onto
the tag front,
then onto the tag front. Back tag base has
cross-perforation line to allow it to attach
at top “hinge” panel to backside
of tag front.
Add the layered four-hole button and a ribbon bow
as final
decorative accents.
Tag measures approx. 4.6” wide x 7.5” tall.
ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A tag front base
B tag back base with cross perforation
C tag front panel
D dreidel outline shape (2 for strength)
E paper button base circle (4) and rim (3)
to layer for thickness
F patchwork build-upon base that also shows
through in sample as patch #8
G patchwork shapes 1-7, 9
by stacking and gluing together the two cut shapes,
taking care that all edges align as accurately
heavy object such as this thick book, possibly
with something else heavy on top of it,
together the four circle base shapes carefully with
holes & outer edges aligned as accurately as possible.
then position and attach ring over circles base.
Press this assembly under heavy flat object as
described for the dreidel outline shapes, above.
4. Prepare the tag base back panel by bending
the upper portion forward as "valley" fold. Then . . .
. . . position the upper portion behind the front
panel, with edges aligned, and glue together
to create a hinged assembly. Press until dried.
5. Refer to the numerical and order designationchart here for the 10 "patch" shapes that
will assemble onto the base. NOTE that for
this sample project, patch #8 coloration will
"show thru" from the assemble base shape,
so #8 does NOT need to be cut as
a separate shape. Choose any position you wish
to "show thru" and NOT be cut separately, or
cut ALL patches and assemble on a "blank" base.
where dashed guide marks indicate,
and bottom point on the tag front panel
(not base), then position and attach.
so that it is "centered" over the patchwork
onto the front of the tag base, with offset
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