Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Snowman Gift Card Holder Box

Perky snowman is layered together and attached 
to the LID front of a low-relief gift card box. 
Make the snowman’s features dimensional by 
multiplying the layers of nose, button, scarf. 
Box measures approx. 2.37” wide x 3.68” tall 
x .75” deep  to hold a standard gift card. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes
A snowman body front
B figure silhouette top layer (shows as hat)
C figure silhouette build up (3)
D figure silhouette bottom shape
with box placement guide marks
E hat brim (1-2)
F eye inlays and smile 
G nose (4 for build up)
H coal button inlays)
I button base (4 for build up)
J button rim (4 for build up)
K scarf silhouette, tails upper and lower
K LID top main shape    
LID interior panel
M LID boxing strips (2)
N BASE bottom main shape    
O BASE interior panel
P BASE boxing strips (2)
2. Prepare the shapes that need to be glued together
so they can be drying:
carrot nose - layer and glue together 4 shapes
button front & rim - layer and glue together 4 shapes
scarf - can be layered now; included here in Step 8C
3. Stack button rim onto base circle and attach.
When all shapes are glued up, press under 
heavy flat weights until dry.
4. Working quickly through next 4 steps,
stack and glue together all the figure silhouette
shapes, with black hat show-through layer on top,
taking care to match up all cut edges as precisely
as possible.
5. Locate the box lid corner position guide marks on
the fig silhouette bottom shape, then . . .
. . . position on bottom of stack and attach in place.
6. Position the snowman front panel onto front of fig
stack, aligning lower half outer cut edges precisely.
7. Position and attach rim overlay around head edge.
(NOTE that a second rim shape can be stacked and
added here, but is shown later in assembly.)
Press the silhouette assembly under a heavy flat
weight, such as this wood plank, possibly with something
heavy placed on top as well, until completely dry.
This could require several hours or overnight,
to minimize warping or curling of glued up shapes.
8. Position and attach other details:
A) nose stack, fit up snugly
into the wedge cut of hat brim.
B) smile, centered below nose,
C) scarf assembly where it matches fig silhouette,
then . . .
. . . position and attach lower silhouette tail,
then upper tail onto scarf base where they match.
D) eye and coal button inlays
E) button over inward end of tails 
(tie with twine or narrow ribbon first)
9. Identify the LID or BASE box panels:
LID main shape includes 'L' cut in
LID interior insert includes 2 "bites" at upper edge
10. Prepare the boxing strips by bending back on
wall perforations for panels and end tabs,
and bend edge long or corner tabs back/inward.
11. Join the boxing strips end to end by overlapping
the straight edge of one across end tab, adjusting
panels top to bottom, then attaching in place. Then . . 
. . . join the second corner seam in same manner.
12. Adjust boxing shape so that it matches the floor
panel, then apply glue to edge tabs, position panel
and attach in place.
On the inside, apply fingertip pressure to ensure
complete attachment in place.
13. Repeat Steps 10-12 for the box BASE using
similar boxing and panel main  . . .
. . .and insert shapes.
Apply fingertip pressure inside in same manner.
14. Locate guide marks on backside of figure assembly,
then apply quick grab glue such as Fabri-tack
to underside of LID and . . .
. . . position and attach in place.
NOTE: to allow the snowman box to stand better,
move the LID positioning down to align with bottom
edge of figure silhouette.
16. To complete the gift, use a temp sticky dot or
equivalent to position and adhere gift card in place
in BASE.
Fit the LID over the BASE . . .
. . . and slide down fully to close box.
Here is the completed snowman gift card box.

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