Create this classic Valentine treat box with lid
from card stock using the
purchased and downloaded cut file, then decorate it with
the "scalloped large heart with ribbon lacing & embellishments
(design no.54655 in the Silhouette online store).
NOTE that the box and lid embellishments
come together as sets in the SVG Attic store
and through SnapDragon (soon).
View the candy tin embellishment inspirational post here.

from card stock using the
purchased and downloaded cut file, then decorate it with
the "scalloped large heart with ribbon lacing & embellishments
(design no.54655 in the Silhouette online store).
NOTE that the box and lid embellishments
come together as sets in the SVG Attic store
and through SnapDragon (soon).
View the candy tin embellishment inspirational post here.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
Cut one main heart for base
Cut one main heart for lid (slightly larger)
Cut one each of wide strips for base
Cut one each of narrow strips for lid
Cut one lid and one base liner from heavier card stock or chipboard (as shown).
2. Prepare the base boxing strips by folding upper edge 'rim' tabs back (this edge has narrower "V" cuts between sections), connector edge tabs back, and folding inward (mountain folds) on all vertical perforations, EXCEPT for the top center perf line with the 'C' next to it, which will have an outward (valley) fold.
Rim tabs will be glued in place LATER in the assembly process. Leave them simply folded at this stage.
3. Prepare to attach the TOP CENTER STRIP to the base heart by lining up the 'C' center perf line at the center top of the heart as shown.
The heart shape is face down and the strip is face outward.
The tab of the first section is folded under, adhesive applied to the face of the tab, then the per fold edge is lined up exactly at the heart shape edge, with the endlines exactly at the heart center and at the "corner" where the first and second section of the right half meet. Position, adjust, hold until secure.
4. Bend the next section tab into position to align section tab fold edge along heart section edge, with next vertical perf line exactly at the "corner" where the next section starts. Position, adjust, adhere.
Continue in this manner to attach the remaining two sections of this half of the strip.
1. Identify and cut the shapes:
Cut one main heart for base
Cut one main heart for lid (slightly larger)
Cut one each of wide strips for base
Cut one each of narrow strips for lid
Cut one lid and one base liner from heavier card stock or chipboard (as shown).
2. Prepare the base boxing strips by folding upper edge 'rim' tabs back (this edge has narrower "V" cuts between sections), connector edge tabs back, and folding inward (mountain folds) on all vertical perforations, EXCEPT for the top center perf line with the 'C' next to it, which will have an outward (valley) fold.
Rim tabs will be glued in place LATER in the assembly process. Leave them simply folded at this stage.
3. Prepare to attach the TOP CENTER STRIP to the base heart by lining up the 'C' center perf line at the center top of the heart as shown.
The heart shape is face down and the strip is face outward.
The tab of the first section is folded under, adhesive applied to the face of the tab, then the per fold edge is lined up exactly at the heart shape edge, with the endlines exactly at the heart center and at the "corner" where the first and second section of the right half meet. Position, adjust, hold until secure.
4. Bend the next section tab into position to align section tab fold edge along heart section edge, with next vertical perf line exactly at the "corner" where the next section starts. Position, adjust, adhere.
Continue in this manner to attach the remaining two sections of this half of the strip.
5. Repeat the positioning and attaching process for the other half of the top center strip in the same manner.
6. Join the RIGHT SIDE STRIP to the right end of the strip in place. (This image shows the last section of the first strip before it has been attached in order to indicate the existence of the matching symbols, which in this case are "addition sign" cutouts.)
7. Attach the newly-joined strip sections to corresponding segments of the heart shape, and join the bottom center strip (match the 'equal sign' end symbols) and attach tabs at heart edge.
8. Join the left side strip (match the circle symbols) and attach tabs to heart edge.
9. Before joining the the final section, prepare to join the remaining left side strip end (square symbol) to the first end of the center top strip, then position and join final segment and strip ends in one operation.
10. Fold the rim tabs toward the box interior and glue each in place.
11. Repeat the strips attaching process for the LID using the narrow strips. During the process, join the TOP CENTER right end (square) to the RIGHT strip, which joins to the BOTTOM strip (circle) which joins to the LEFT strip ('X') which joins back to the TOP CENTER strip (triangle). Fold rim tabs and glue in place.
12. For rigidity and strength, cut liner heart shapes for the lid and base from chipboard (use as heavy a weight as your digital cutting machine will allow; sample project uses Silhouette brand chipboard). Double the shapes if needed for strength.
For identification, the BASE heart shape liner has a '+' at the top center.
Apply adhesive to the backside of lid and base liners, then insert into position and apply thorough pressure to complete the joining of liners to inside of each lid or base.
Here is the completed box with the lid in place.
And finally, a view of the completed box components.