Group 2 projects include (clockwise from back left):
holly wreath stocking, pod jar wreath cuff, pinecone and star mini quilt,
cookies for santa plate vinyl, canning jar topper,
holly cluster pillowcase, ribbon & holly mesh travel bag.
Three of these projects were created using "fusible" appliques
from the "christmas basic shapes" cut file available
from SnapDragon Snippets through
the Silhouette America online store.
The other four use additional cut designs that will be listed
with the specific notes for that project.
The wreath stocking tutorial and info can be viewed in a separate blog post.
The pinecone and star mini quilt tutorial for applique and patch cutting with the Silhouette electronic tool can be found here.
Separate information for the mason canning jar lid creation can be found on this separate post.

PROJECT 1: Pillowcase Band
1. Purchase small yardages of "body", "band", and "accent" insert fabrics, cut and apply holly leaf, pinecone and ribbon streamer shapes into a "spray" shaped cluster on the center of the front band, then construct the case.
(This is a miniaturized version, so if the scales seem unreal that is because the case is a child's size.)
2. Cut the pieces:
body - 28" x width of 44" fabric
band - 10" x width of fabric
accent - 1 1/2" x width of fabric
(Seam allowances are 1/4". Find a "how to" link here.)
You can see the approx. location of the applique on the FOLDED band (folded on the left side in this image, but UNFOLDED top to bottom so you can see the crease).
3. Follow the other link's instructions, or modify as shown here:
Press accent strip in half lengthwise, then align and pin raw edges of strip along band. Layer body top edge with face sides together, as shown, then stitch this seam.
Press all allowances toward body. Serge or zigzag over edge the raw edges.

4. From the front side, topstitch neatly on body next to accent strip seam through all layers.

To keep inside seam raw edges of peeking out, top-stitch tack an inch or so near the opening, stitching through all layers and backstitching, or repeating the length of the stitching.
Great for traveling to hold makeup, toiletries, first aid kit, snacks and more.
For this Christmas gift, a bright green fabric was chosen, then an easily "detachable" embellishment panel of cut appliques on double-layered wool felt with oversize center button is "tacked" in place with two decorative end star buttons.
1. Purchase a roll (or co-op this with friends) of screen door replacement plastic mesh, then select a fabric scrap for the banding, and obtain a nylon coil zipper at least 12" long.
Cut the bands: (1/4" seam allow. included)
top band - 3" x 13"
bottom band - 5.5" x 13"
mesh - 20.5" x 13"

2. Fold the fabric rectangles in half lengthwise with the face sides out. Align raw edges of each with mesh ends, pin an stitch 1/4" seam. Over edge or serge the raw seam. Press fabric strips away from mesh (take care with hot iron to test that it won't melt the mesh).

3. Topstitch neatly on the fabric band next to the seam.
4. Pin fabric fold edge along one side of closed zipper, with end of strip approx. 1/2" beyond metal zipper "stop" as shown. It is okay if your zipper top ends extend past the strip ends opposite. They will be tacked and trimmed in the next step.

5. Open zipper slightly at top, align fabric strip ends, then zipgzag a bar tack across the zipper teeth to secure, approx. 1/2" from fabric ends.
6. Fold the bag with face sides inward.; make sure the zipper is slightly unzipped. Arrange the top mesh fold to be approx. 1" from the top band (narrower) seam; crease by hand or lightly press.
7. Pin and stitch the side seams on each side of bag. Finish the raw edges as before (serge or zigzag)
8. Prepare the fusible applique design on an oversize scrap of wool felt, working within a 2.5" x 9-10" design area. When fusing and/or edge stitching is complete, trace an appropriately-sized rectangle around the design with temp marking tool. Layer with second scrap piece of felt, then neatly topstitch ON the marked line. Trim 1/16" beyond stitching. Attach center button or other embellishments as desired.
Pin panel in place centered on lower band, then attach buttons through all layers.
PROJECT 3. Decorative Pod Cylinder
1. Obtain a glass cylinder or recycle from second hand store. (Mine was a flourist's roses vase.)

3. Determine your cut sizes to fit your cylinder's height and circumference. For mine, the center panel was cut about 3.5" tall, and .5" shorter than my tape measured around the jar. (You will want a tying knot gap between back edges when complete.)
The bands/lining combination rectangle was cut center panel height plus 4" (provides approx. .75" bands on top and bottom with 1/4" seam allowances.
4. Join center panel to one edge of band/lining piece. Press seam back toward center panel. Press 1/4" seam allow. back on both ends.
Now bring band and center panel edges together and complete seam. Press toward center panel as before. Turn face side out.
Press the cuff flat with equal widths of band on either side of center panel.
5. Cut ribbon into four equal lengths (approx. 12" long each). Insert ends of ribbon pairs between cuff layers, pin in place. Pin remainder of pressed fold edges together, then neatly topstitch through all layers. Take care to secure ribbon against the tying stress it will need to withstand.
6. Place the cuff on your cylinder and tie ribbon ends at the back, as shown. If the cuff seems prone to slipping down, consider securing the front invisibly in place with a strip or two of double-stick tape placed behind and below the cuff edges.
Fill your cylinder with pods, nuts in the shell, small shiny ornaments, potpourri, or other interesting contents.
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