This tutorial will show the construction steps for this mini quilt,
including applique layering and stitching, star block shape creation on screen
in the Silhouette software, fabric prep to cut using the fusing alternative
liquid spray called "Terial Magic", block construction, final rinsing, etc.
1. Prepare the pinecone layered appliques from the "pinecone a6 card" design download. Scale the design to fit as desired within the 5" seamlines square of the block used for this project.
NOTE that I have traced the seamline squares with temp marker on one panel with sufficient cutting/handling space between, then fuse the shapes and leave the panel larger for easier handling.
2. Position and fuse the base constrast layer and the semi-cirOver edge the applique raw edges with a blanket stitch or zigzag stitch.
3. Position and fuse the next layer (holly leaves), then the third layer (ribbon base long shape), then the fourth (ribbon knot) one by one, completing the over edge stitching for each layer individually with less interference from subsequent layers.
Trim the block sizes 1/4" beyond the temp marked lines, so that the cut block size is 5.5" x 5.5".
4. Prepare the fabric to cut the patchwork shapes with the Silhouette digital cutting tool. Follow product instructions to spray, partially dry, and press the fabric in shape sizes that will allow the color A and color B patches to be cut.
Here I am spraying for good saturation.
Here I have folded the fabric into multi layers and am squeezing the layers to distribute the liquid thoroughly.

Here I am pressing the fabric that has been allowed to air dry to approx. 80" dry state.
5. Here is the screen shot that shows how I have created squares and rectangle patches for my block (design may be available later as download).
Cut: (8) red squares 1.375", (1) red square 2.25", (4) background squares 1.375", (4) background rectangles 1.375" x 2.25", (2) background side strips 1.25" x 4", (2) background top & bottom strips 1.25" x 5.5"
6. Load the appropriate fabric on a cutting mat into the Silhouette, then cut the shapes from color A (red for star, for example) and color B (background).
Here you can see the patches removal. Sometimes the corners will need to be clipped for final cut.
Here you can see the cut patches in their approximate positions to create the block.
7. Trace a diagonal .5mm pencil line on the back sides of all the small red squares. This is a stitching line.
8. a) Position small square on background rectangle end with line oriented as shown. b) Stitch 'on' line, press triangles to corner. c) Trim allow. to 1/4". d) Repeat for second square.
This process completed one "flying geese" (FG) unit.
9. Join FG units to opposite sides of large red center square; press toward center.
10. Join background squares to ends of remaining 2 FG units; press toward center.
11, Join side and center columns; press seams outward.
12. Join side, then top & bottom rectangle strips in order; press each seam outward as it is completed.
Complete two blocks for the project shown.
Here you can see the block from the backside to verify seam pressing direction, if desired.
(NOTE: working with the cut patches that are still stiffened with the Terial Magic spray solution makes patchwork feel even more precise than usual.)
13. When block is complete, place it in a bath of clear room temp water to soak out the spray. Soak for 30-40 minutes, then allow to air dry, then press. The fabric "hand" will return to 98% of its original softness.

14. Join the pine cone and star blocks into rows, then join rows. Press seams flat. Add narrow accent borders (cut 1" wide in this project) and outer borders (cut 2" side in this project); press outward.
15. Layer and quilt as desired. This project was machine quilted using a home domestic machine and walking foot. Prepare and apply binding. Add a fabric sleeve to the upper backside that is attached in the binding seam before it is finished, if desired. The mini quilt is pictures here with a decorative Ackfeld Wire star hanger rod inserted through the sleeve on the back.
Watch for more tutorials for patchwork using the Silhouette cutting system and Terial Magic Spray.
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